day 24

722 24 13

7:36 Thursday May 30 


        The clock on the wall ticked with the seconds, but not as fast as my heart was beating. i had not calmed down from last night. michael made me feel special last night, and it was my favorite feeling i had ever felt in my life. my parents waved goodbye to me, and walked out the door as i sat and waited for mike to pick me up for school. i heard a knock on the door, and looked out the window to see michaels car parked in the driveway. i walked over to the door, and saw that he had pink flowers in his hand, and handed them to me. "good morning," he said as i took them from his hand. i brought the flowers close to my chest, and let michael walk into the house. we walked into the kitchen, and i grabbed a cup from the cupboard. i placed the flowers in it after i filled it with water then set it on the table. michael grabbed my hand and kissed me sweetly on the lips. we walked out of the kitchen, and towards the door. while michael opened the door he complimented my outfit and i thanked him. he pulled his pink hat off his head, and placed it on mine. i moved it on my head so it was in the correct spot, and smiled, "looks better on you," he said and shrugged his shoulders and shook it head in amusement. i hit his arm, "this is why i have five of your hats in my room," i laughed at him and brushed some hair behind my ear. 

        We got into the car, and drove to school with the radio on. i looked out the window and thought about what i was going to be doing tomorrow. school, home, then monday do the same thing. my eyes blinked and i thought of something that i could be doing. next year, i would not be going to school here anymore, soon i am graduating out of high school and i will be going to college next year. what would happen to michael and i? "Michael are you going to college?" i asked him. i saw a look of concern come to his eyes, and he licked his lips before he replied, "well i want to be an artist, but i don't think ill be able to get into any good schools," he said and turned the wheel, "i like to take pictures too," he took a breath then smiled, "im not really think ill go to college," he said to me. i nodded my head. i did not know that michael liked these things. we had never had a conversation like this before. 

        "What about you claire? what do you want to be," i looked out the window again, and thought for a second, "i like to write, and i really like english," i said to him. i never really think about my future, so i wasn't sure what i wanted to do. "i feel like i want to be an english teacher," i said to him, and looked at him as he formed a grin on his face. "thats cute," he said and put his hand on my leg. "you're cute," i said and put my hand on top of his own. "not as cute as you baby," he said to me, then turned into the school parking lot. we got out of the car, and joked with each other about our hair getting messed up with the windy weather, and how my shirt kept riding up my stomach, "so many boys are going to be drooling over you today because of that," he said as he tried to pull it down for the tenth time we had left the car, i looked at him and saw a frown on his face, and i poked him in the shoulder and told him the only boy that i let drool over me was him. he put his hand around my waist, and we walked through the doors of the school. 


      After the long school day michael and i went to the park. we walked around the fenced area where people could bring their dogs, but there was only one or two there. we walked past the playground, and no children were on it so i sprinted to the swings. michael ran after me, and i hopped onto the swing and asked him to push me, he laughed and called me a four year old, and stood in front of me while i sat on the swing. he kissed my nose and ran behind me. he pulled down my shirt again, and then started pushing me on the swing. he did a underdog on me stood in front of me, trying to pull off my shoes. he got one of them, and ran to the top of the slide on the playground. i hoped off the swing and ran up the small stairs and across the wobbly bridge to make it to michael. he sat on the slide and waited until i was right next him to slide down it. i brushed my hair out of my face, then sat and went down the slide after him. when i got to the bottom, he was no where in site, and i called his name, then heard his laugh near me. i looked to the side and saw him squatting behind me, under the slide. i hopped off the slide, took my shoe from him. he stood up next to me and i looked up at his face, and a big smile was on it. he leaned down to kiss me, but i poked his stomach, then ran back towards the swings. he stood in the spot for a second, and held his stomach where i had hit him. he laughed, then ran over to where i was, and he leaned down again. he brushed my hair out of my face, "Claire?" he said my name, and noticed that he looked a little nervous. "Michael?" i questioned him with a slight grin on my face. 

        Michael let out a breath, then grabbed my hands and swayed them back and forth. i let go of one of his hands, and placed it by his heart, so i could feel his heartbeat. it calmed me down, and seemed to calm him down as well. he looked down at my hand on his chest, and placed his hand on top of mine. "ive been wanting to do this for a while, but i keep stopping myself because i don't think that you want to, but then i think that you would want to and i don't really have any friends to ask about it and i cant ask erin," i cut him off in mid sentence, because he was obviously very nervous, "mike, its okay, want is it?" he let out another breath, then held my hand again. "well, i was wondering if you would be my girlfriend claire," he said, then smiled after he said it. my heart quickened, and i felt a big smile on my lips. "yes michael, of course i will," i said then kissed him on the cheek, "you shouldn't have been so nervous silly," he shook his head and laughed, "don't call me that baby," i raised my eyebrows at him, "don't call me baby, silly," he wrapped his arms around my waist, and rolled his eyes, "fine baby girl i wont call you that," i put my head on his chest and giggled, at him calling me that. he rubbed my back, and kissed my forehead. 

        "Michael?" i asked him and raised my head off his chest, he looked at me to make sure i knew he was listening, "im happy im with you," i said to him. he continued to rub my back, "im happy im with you," he said to me, "and im not just saying it because you did, you make me a happy boy." i shook my head, then kissed his cheek again, "and claire?" he asked, "don't deny my kiss again," he kissed my nose, then started leaning in to kiss my lips, and i whispered, "I never will," and his lips touched mine softly, and it felt different, but it was better. it felt like it had more to it then all the other kisses we had shared. 

That's when i knew i loved him. 


this is kinda short, but eh. i wanted to update because everyone wanted me to, and i knew i wasnt going to be able to tomorrow probalbly so i thought i could come up with a little something. its kind of a filler chapter, but some stuff happened i guess?? idk!

tweet me, or comment here what you like about my story, or what you dont like bc it will help me mkay !! my twitter is @citystreetmike 

((this is unedited, im sorry hA))

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