4. Grandpas (his pov)

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We were going to tell my parents first and then Y/N's parents but it would be the same way for both. I was so excited and I could tell Y/N was too. "Have you got everything?" I asked her, making sure we wouldn't leave anything we needed in the house and halfway there remember we left something. "Yeah, the bags with the mugs are here" She lifted the two bags she had on her hands. "And my purse is on my shoulder" She slightly lifted her shoulder and then chuckled. I chuckled with her, sometimes she can be so cute. I love her. "Okay, we gotta go then" I said exiting the house, Y/N followed behind me, we got to the car and drove to my parent's house, an hour away.  

"It's so good to see you again son, and oh Y/N, you look beautiful!" My mum said hugging me first and then hugging Y/N. Mum always got excited when we came visit her. Y/N was laughing when she said. "It's nice to see you too again Maura" "Mum I think that's enough" I chuckled lightly. Then my father came around and gave me a manly hug. "I hope everything is great with you two" He said and I smiled. "We do have some gifts for you" Y/N said smiling excitedly. "What is it?" My mum said looking at us when Y/N gave her the bag, she handed the other one to my dad. "Open it and you'll see" I said approaching Y/N and giving her a side hug. My mum was the first to open the wrapping paper around the mug. She then read out loud 'A great gift for a great grandma'. "Wha- Oh my God! You're pregnant! She's pregnant Bob!" She said apparently very excited and right after hugged Y/N tightly. Y/N laughed hugging her back. "Congratulations! I'm gonna be a grandma, I'm gonna have a grandchild" My mum said. I then chuckled. "Yes mum, you are going to be a grandma"    


"Baby, are you ready?" I said seeing Y/N come running to the living room and sitting next to me on the sofa. My computer was on the little table in front of us and we were going to Skype call my parents to finally tell them the news. You were only 2 months pregnant but we had to tell everyone. "I'm here, I'm here, with the pregnancy test results here too" She said holding the paper that confirmed she was pregnant on her hand and chuckled. I then pressed the video call button on Skype, a few seconds later they answered smiling at the camera. "Hello!" She said in unison with my dad. "Hi" Y/N said chuckling. "Hi mom, how are you?" I asked. "Great, we're great, how are you?" She answered. "We're really excited" Y/N said and I rolled my eyes laughing. She just couldn't hold it anymore. "And why is that sweetie?" She asked smiling and Y/N held the part of the paper that said that she was pregnant in front of the camera. My mum widened her eyes and looked at my dad shaking him. "She's pregnant Geoff" Then looking at us. "Congratulations, Y/N and Liam, I'm so proud of you" She said smiling. I smiled keeping Y/N close, she was also smiling like crazy. "Thank you, Karen" We then said our goodbyes and called Y/N's parents to tell them the news.  


My mum and sister were very aware that it was turning out to be difficult for us to conceive but they never lost hope, so I was really happy when Y/N and I decided to announce it to everyone. "At what time are they coming?" She asked getting the cake she made with my help for both my sister and my mum. I looked at the clock in the kitchen and said. "In 10 minutes if they're on time, which I doubt so 15" I laughed slightly and she smiled putting the cake on a plate. "Can you get the plates and the spoons please?" She asked me. "Of course, baby" I said kissing her cheek afterwards and got the things.  

The doorbell rang and I felt Y/N tense. "Baby it's fine" I kissed her forehead and got up to open the door. "Harry!" My sister said and was pretty quick to hug me, I laughed hugging her back. "Hi Gem" I said and then hugged my mum too. "Come in" I let them come in and Y/N approached us smiling. "Hi Anne and Gemma" She said and greeted them both, I could tell she was very nervous so they probably could to. "Is something wrong sweetheart?" My mother asked and Y/N looked at me as if it was my cue to talk so I turned to them both. "We have news on the baby thing" I said bringing Y/N closer to me. "What news?" Gemma asked, they looked so worried and I wanted to laugh so badly. I put one hand on Y/N's belly and said smiling. "We're going to have a baby in 9 months" My mom's mouth was wide open and my sister's too. "Oh my dear Lord" She said and I could see the tears in her eyes forming. "Oh Anne please don't cry" My wife said and I looked at her, she was about to cry to. Oh God... "I'm just so happy, I felt so angry when I couldn't help you get pregnant, you were so upset sweetheart" My mum approached Y/N and hugged her tightly. They were both crying now. Gemma approached me and hugged me too. "Congratulations Hazza, I'm gonna be an auntie soon" She giggled. "And I'm gonna be a dad" It felt so unreal to say this. But it was finally happening.  


Y/N and I had invited my mum and my sisters to spend the weekend with us so we could talk and everything, we had plenty of room for them so that was not a problem. Currently we were all watching a movie on the big sofa we had in the living room. Y/N laid next to me on it and my mum was at her feet, my 3 sisters were spread all over the floor, I felt Y/N's breathing become faster and looked at her. "Are you okay sweetheart?" I whispered in her ear and she shook her head. "I'm not feeling too good" She whispered back laying one of her hands on her belly. We hadn't told my family because we thought it was too soon, we just wanted to be sure the baby was growing healthy. "Do you want to go to the bathroom?" I whispered and she nodded, slowly getting up. As soon as she got up I saw her putting her hand over her mouth and running to the down floor bathroom. Shit. I quickly got up and went after her, she was puking on the toilet when I opened the bathroom door. I carefully pulled her hair away from her face and rubbed her back. "I'm here baby" I let her know while she puked. The door slowly opened and my mother's figure appeared. "Are you okay Y/N?" I looked at her and Y/N stopped looking at my mum too, she then looked at me. We had to tell her or else she'd get worried. So I answered. "Yeah, it's just the baby making her sick" I slowly smiled and my mum smiled excited. "Are you serious?" She asked and I nodded. "Congratulations guys!" She congratulated us and Y/N smiled weakly. "Thank you Trisha, I'm sorry for being like this" She whispered laying her head on my shoulder. "No need to say sorry honey, I totally understand" She smiled understanding. "When I was pregnant with Zayn I lived in the bathroom" She sarcastically said and that made Y/N laugh which put a slight smile on my face. I mouthed a 'thank you' to my mother and she left leaving me and the precious mommy of my baby alone.  


I heard some talking coming from upstairs but ignored it for a bit, then I heard it again. Who was Y/N talking to? I couldn't just ask. After she told me she was pregnant we haven't been the same. It's just... I'm not ready to have a baby. We're not ready to have a baby. I slowly walked upstairs and stayed behind the bookshelf we had in the hallway next to our room so I could hear the conversation. "I'm fine mum, really" Y/N said. "You don't seem fine" She was skyping with her mum probably. "It's just... I'm pregnant" She sighed and her mum congratulated her. "But that's great honey, why aren't you excited?" Her mum asked surprised. "Louis doesn't want to have a baby, he says we're not ready when he's the one who's not ready" I could hear her crying voice which indicated she was crying. "Oh sweetie... you just have to give him time to get used to the idea" Her mum said. "I don't know mum, maybe he doesn't love me enough and that's why he doesn't want a baby" Y/N said crying and I widened my eyes, did she really think that? "Of course he loves you Y/N, I see it every time I see you both together, the way he looks at you is lovely" Her mum said. "But he doesn't want to have a baby with me mum" She answered crying and I looked down at my hands. I messed this up. She thought I didn't love her and that I didn't want to have a baby with her. And that's not true. I was just scared... 

We were having dinner in the dining room but everything was extremely silent. She didn't even look at me once. "Y/N?" I called her and she looked at me, she had red eyes and a red nose. She has been crying. "I do want to have a baby with you" I started my speech. "And of course I love you Y/N, you shouldn't even doubt that..." I sighed. "I was scared and that's why I reacted like that, but I'm really sorry. I'm excited for that baby now, I just needed time to realize this was what I wanted" I finished. A little smile started appearing on her lips which made me smile in relief. "I forgive you" She said simply. I got up from my chair and embraced her in a really big hug getting her off her feet. She giggled slightly and hugged me tight. "I love you Y/N, don't ever doubt that" I whispered in her ear. "I love you too baby" She said and afterwards I pressed my lips on hers and formed a sweet but passionate kiss between us.

Sorry I took so long to update, I just have a lot of exams and it sucks not being able to write 

But I guess I did make it up to you, it's pretty long and I think it's also sweet 

Can we just talk about Louis' speech? *-* Purr-fect 

Sleep all day, party all night x

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