6. Seeing the Baby for the First Time

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You and Niall were in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for the secretary to call your name so you could go in and finally see the baby for the first time. You were very nervous and you had this bad habit of biting your nails when you were nervous so that was what you were doing now. "Pumpkin" Niall said taking the hand that was in your mouth out of it and gently started caressing it. "Don't be nervous, I'm here with you and the baby's gonna be fine" He continued talking. The truth is that he was nervous too but was trying to hide it 'cause he knew you would be even more nervous if you saw him nervous.

Soon enough both of your names were called and you entered the room where you were going to see your baby. "Hi, I'm Dr. Russ and I'll be making your ultrasound today" A probably middle-aged lady said smiling and signaled for you to lay down on the little bed, as you did. She pushed your shirt up and said. "This may be a little cold" she put the gel on your belly and started moving the wand around. A black and white image was visible and you couldn't quite distinguish anything. You were holding Niall's hand really tight as the doctor paused the image and pointed to a little tiny pea figure in the screen. "That's your baby, it's about a size of a pea right now" Dr. Russ said smiling at the screen. You looked at the figure in awe and as if it was the most precious thing in the whole world. "It's perfect Y/N, our little pea baby is perfect" Your husband whispered in your ear also looking at the screen.


"Make yourself comfortable Mrs. Payne" Your well known doctor said and you smiled at him sitting down on the bed. "How have you been feeling these first few weeks?" He asked while he prepared everything for the echography. "Well I've been dealing with quite a lot of pain and stay in days" You said with a slight chuckled. "Is that normal? There are just days where she's lacking so much energy when she wakes up or is feeling ill" Liam asked. As the doctor put the gel on your belly he answered. "It is normal, her body is adjusting to having a baby inside of her, there are a lot of hormonal and emotional changes going on in her body right now-" "Oh it's so cold" You interrupted him. He smiled starting to move the wand around and continued. "But those symptoms could possibly disappear as she gets further into the pregnancy" He finished. The image of the bean baby appeared on the screen and you felt yourself starting to get emotional. It was the first time you were seeing your first baby, it was so special for you. "That's our baby?" You asked pointing at the little bean as a tear rolled down your cheek. "It is, that's your baby" Your doctor answered. You looked at Liam who had teardrops in his cheeks and was looking carefully at your baby. "Oh Liam please don't cry" You said starting to drop more of your own tears. "How can I not? It's our baby, our little bean, the creation of our love" Your baby daddy was so emotional like you and the both of you were beyond happy to be finally starting a loving family.


You had been waiting with Harry in the room laid down on the bed for about 15 minutes now and he was starting to get impatient. "Where the hell is the damn doctor?" He groaned. "See this is why I don't like public hospitals, we should've went to the private hospital I told you but you're always so stubborn" You could sense the nervousness behind the angriness on your husband. "Haz it's fine, he's probably busy, let's just wait, there's no rush" You answered trying to calm him down. "Wait, he? It's a man? A freaking grown man? No, you're not having a male doctor" He said seriously. You started chuckling. Why was he so worried about it? "I've always had this doctor and I like him, he's the only doctor I trust, so shut up for a second okay? You're making me nervous Harry" You said and he finally shut up.

In that moment the doctor entered the room smiling and greeted you both. "Hi Y/N and Harry, congratulations on the baby, are you ready to see him for the first time?" The very kind doctor said and started getting everything ready. "Well yeah, after 15 minutes of waiting I think we're pretty ready" Harry said annoyed. "Harry" You whispered. "Don't" You continued, looking at him with a serious look. "I'm sorry for making you wait, I just got caught in a very long birth" The doctor apologized and put the gel on your belly. You shifted uncomfortably in the bed, you hated that stuff. "It's just for a little bit" The doctor said when he noticed, he then started moving the wand on your belly as he looked at the screen. You and Harry both looked at the screen. "Is everything okay?" You asked starting to get worried. The doctor was quiet, too quiet. "Um... yeah, let me just check" He said focusing on the screen. You looked at Harry starting to panic, he was scared too, you could see it in his eyes, you could always see every feeling in his eyes. "What's wrong? Please just tell us" The curly haired boy said and the doctor looked at the both of you. "Well, it looks like you're having twins" As he finished the sentence he smiled bigly and congratulated you.

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