5. The Symptoms

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-Niall- (Fatigue/Tiredness)

It was Friday and you were currently laying lazily on the sofa. You've been feeling so tired and fatigued. You knew it was from the pregnancy but you never liked staying in on weekdays. Niall was at the studio recording for the new album. You got up from the sofa to go to the bathroom and soon felt your stomach tightening, it wasn't nausea, it was that uncomfortable feeling of thinking you were going to vomit but you weren't. "God, not this again" You whispered to yourself and closed your eyes sitting back in the sofa. You felt your whole body tired and laid back. You thought it would be better if you took a quick nap.

"Baby" You heard Niall whisper close to your ear and shake you carefully but ignored it. "Sweetheart" He now said kissing your cheek afterwards. "Hm" You said hugging the pillow beneath your head tight. "It's 5 in the afternoon, you won't sleep tonight if you don't wake up" Niall said still whispering and caressing your cheek. You slowly opened your eyes and saw him smiling sweetly at you. "Hi beautiful" He said and you smiled at him. "I was just taking a quick nap" You said and giggled. "Are you still feeling tired?" He asked you. "A bit" You slightly sighed. "It's the pregnancy symptoms, don't worry" You half smiled at him and he kissed your forehead. "I'm going to go make a sandwich for me, do you want one?" Niall asked you and you nodded. "Extra butter" You added while he was walking towards the chicken and he chuckled entering it and making the both of you sandwiches.

-Liam- (Headache/Back Pain)

You rubbed your back as you walked through the kitchen to get something to eat. Liam was seating on one of the chairs drinking some coffee and scrolling down something on his phone, he looked at you when you entered and smiled. "How' you doing, honey?" He asked. "Well apart from the pains in my back and the constant headaches I think I'm pretty fine" You said sarcastically and sat down on a chair by his side. Liam sat down his phone on the table and looked at you. "Do you still have them?" You nodded sighing and he got up from his chair, gently rubbing the down part of your back. You moaned slightly feeling some of the pain go away. "Thank you Li" You said and he shushed you kissing your lips softly. "Just relax baby" He whispered sweetly in your ear. Liam had the day off and he seemed like he was not giving up until your pains had passed, so the rest of the day was spent laying in bed while Liam massaged your back. And it was the best day since the pregnancy started.

-Harry- (Dizziness/Fainting)

You were at the studio with Harry and the boys. It wasn't common of you to go to the studio with them but you weren't feeling to keen on staying alone in the house. Harry was recording his parts on one of the new songs when you decided to get up and go to the bathroom. The boys were siting on the two sofas too, Niall and Louis with you and Zayn and Liam on the other one. "Where are you going?" Niall asked looking at you. "Bathroom" You answered as you got up. As soon as you were on your feet you felt yourself unstable and dizzy. "I'm not feeling too well" You said before you blacked out.

"Y/N, baby, please wake up" You felt your body being shook and slowly opened your eyes. The first thing you saw were the boys looking at you closely with worried looks on their faces. You were laying on the sofa and Harry was by your side, he had a glass of water on his hand. "Thank God" He whispered and handed you the water as you switched the position you were in to being sat. You took a sip of the water and inhaled. "I'm fine guys" You said looking mostly to Harry. "We're going home, you need to rest Y/N" He said looking at you still worried. "I'm really fine, I read that fainting is sign of low blood pressure and it's completely normal while on pregnant" You answered looking at him, you hated seeing him so worried. He sighed putting a hand on one of your thighs. "Okay" Your worried husband said. "When you're done recording your parts of the new songs we can go, the boys are here if something happens, which won't, but just in case" You assured him smiling sweetly at him. The brown curled boy smiled back at you and kissed your lips shortly but softly. "I'll be right back baby" He said and walked back to the recording booth. You watched and heard him feeling better and better as time passed.

-Zayn- (Constant Urination)

"God damn it I need to pee again" You said standing up for the 3rd time today, and you had woken up only 3 hours ago. You walked to the bathroom and did what you needed to do. "Baby, where are you?" Your husband asked walking around the house searching for you. "Bathroom" You half yelled as you opened the bathroom door and walked out. He rapidly approached you as he laughed slightly. You put both of your hands in each hip as you looked at him. "Are you laughing at my constant peeing?" You asked, laughing at your own sentence. Zayn bursted out laughing once you talked. "It's funny you're peeing a lot, I know it's the pregnancy but it seems funny, you can't deny it" He said still laughing. You were now fluently laughing with him at the situation. He was totally right, it was funny. "It is, but still you shouldn't be laughing at your pregnant wife" You said trying to keep a straight face, but it was turning out to be almost impossible. "Don't say that baby girl, I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you" He said smiling widely at you and surrounding your waist with his arms. "Yeah sure" You rolled your eyes at him as you chuckled. You loved Zayn for this exact reason, he could turn a frustrating situation into an oddly funny one.

-Louis- (Shortness of Breath)

You were taking out the now clean and dry clothes from the drying machine and putting them all organized into a basket to take it upstairs. Once you finished that you walked out of the laundry room and walked up the stairs to Louis and yours bedroom. As you were walking up you felt your breath becoming heavier and heavier, almost if you had ran a 3 mile run before, but you were just simply walking up the stairs. You stopped in the middle of the staircase and put the basket down next to you. "Pregnancy issues" You whispered to yourself sighing. In that moment Louis walked past the stairs but quickly returned back when he noticed you paused in the middle of them. "What are you doing there with that?" He said looking at you and then at the basket full of clothes. "I'm out of breath, just taking a break" You said as if it was nothing. He let out a light chuckle and started walking up the stairs to you. "You know you could've just called me, I'll do this" He said picking up the basket. "But I can do this, I just ran out of breath, I'm fine" You said as he walked upstairs, you now following him. Both of you went in your bedroom and Louis placed the basket on the bed. He then looked at you. "Seriously Y/N I'll do this, you can go rest a bit yeah?" He said placing a soft kiss on your forehead. You smiled softly. "Thank you" You whispered. "No need to thank me, now go, I've heard there's a marathon of Pretty Little Liars at 1 P.M" As soon as he said that you smiled bigly and almost running you left the room and walked downstairs to the sofa, quickly turning on the T.V and searching for that PLL marathon. Once you found it you got comfortable in the couch. There was one thing and one thing only that would make you instantly happy and that was a marathon of PLL. You knew today would be a good day.


Hi! I haven't updated in ages I know, and you can all blame me and only me for that

I haven't been on the mood for updating, I'm sorry, but here's a new chapter and I think it's a good and interesting one

So I've though about what the next chapters are gonna be about and I was thinking:

6. Seeing the baby for the first time

7. Morning Sickness (I thought of doing an individual chapther for this symptom 'cause I think it's the one I can work more with)

8. I'm craving...

And I think those are the first chapters everyone does, so I wanted to get them out of the way

Now I have a lot of ideas for the next chapters, but I want them to be a surprise 'cause they are more original and exciting. The only thing I can and want to tell you is that some of them are gonna be like you've never read before.

I'm very excited to start writing again. This book is almost reaching 200 views and I know for some that's nothing but for me those 200 views are going to be precious and I can't thank you enough for them, but oh wow THANK YOU!

I would really aprecciate if you gave me your opinion about the chapters or the book in general, and vote too of course so I can 100% know if you like it

With all the important stuff said the only thing left to say is I hope you're having an awesome day and...

Sleep all day, party all night x

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