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"ARE YOU SURE THAT going to this party is a good idea?" You asked your friend lowly, standing on the front steps of a house booming with liveliness

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"ARE YOU SURE THAT going to this party is a good idea?" You asked your friend lowly, standing on the front steps of a house booming with liveliness. Even from outside, you could hear the booming of the trending music from inside as it leaked through the open windows. The fluorescent glow of the colourful lights from inside illuminated your faces in the dark of the night, allowing for Ayaka to see your clearly furrowed brows.

"Stop getting all nervous about it." Ayaka frowned, pouting her glossed lips. Despite her claiming that she did not put much effort into her appearance tonight, she still managed to look stunning. Ayaka always does — she never needs to worry about the consequences of anything since she's literally perfect. "Besides, I'm sure you'll enjoy this party—there's tons of people here that you can get to know, or—ooh!~—maybe even hook up with. People tend to like you easily, Areum."

"That's only when you're around, Ayaka." You whined, tapping the tip of your heel against the concrete. As the seconds ticked by, and your best friend's boyfriend had still not come to the door yet to let you in, you were beginning to grow impatient. "When you're not with me, people don't actually bother talking to me. Boy, people don't even look my way when you're no longer beside me. Honestly, A—if I had it my way, I could've been watching Crash Landing On You right now."

"And you think that makes you happier than going to a party like this?" Ayaka raised a single eyebrow.

"Yes, actually. I'm not suited for parties, especially massive ones like these." You hugely disliked the rich sweetness of candy that lingered on your lips as you talked that came from the many layers of Ayaka's lip gloss that she had forced you to put on. It felt like a stain, and as much as you wanted to rub it off, it still remained firm on them like glue. "Is he coming out yet? We've been waiting out here for fucking fifteen minutes, A."

"He'll come, he'll come. He probably just ran into someone on the way here—"

And just like that, the door swung open, revealing the familiar face that was indeed Ayaka's boyfriend, Hamin. It was hard to mistake the alcohol that lingered on his breath when he eagerly pulled Ayaka, telling her that she absolutely cannot miss out on the cup pong match that is going on in the front living room. His lovesick eyes swelled with glee upon seeing Ayaka immediately cling to his arm.

"You know Seungcheol and the team? They're all playing right now." Hamin grinned, paying no mind to do as much as greet you. But well, he never does, does he?

Talk about the common etiquette of a college boy.

"Ooh, great! Let's go watch!" Ayaka chirped. Her dress swished against her thighs as she swayed around her lover's arm.

Reluctantly, you dragged your feet and followed the giddy couple into the living room, where the ear-piercing bass music drowned out all other sounds in the room. You swiftly noticed the extended table in the centre, where many gathered round to watch the beer pong match take place. In the midst of it all, Ayaka's boyfriend's best friends  were in charge of the game, aiming for the cups from the other side of the table. Splashes of beer were visible on the floor, making your nose twinge with discomfort.

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