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"AREUM, could you do me a favour?"

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"AREUM, could you do me a favour?"

You're now sitting at a table alone with Sunoo, forced to bear the nosy stares and gossiping mutters of the college students surrounding you in the University's cafeteria. Even though you had specifically chosen half an hour ago to sit in an isolated corner of the space, so many people had their eyes on you as you awkwardly poke at your pork katsu from underneath your chopsticks.

Sunoo's looking as charming as ever, so you could argue that you cannot blame people for staring. He's got a grey hoodie layered underneath his black padded jacket, and despite his hair being all wet and ruffled up (apparently he just had a shower and had been rushing out of the house), he still manages to pull it off. Extremely well, some would say. Before speaking, he places his chopsticks down beside his bowl of cold noodles, eyeing you with a bashful look.

"So—you know how my major's Fine Art, just like Jungwon?" He begins, rubbing at the back of his neck. He seems reluctant to go on, starting to avoid your gaze. You make a hum of acknowledgement in response, even giving him a small nod so that he can continue. "Well, I have this joint project that I'm doing with him, that's worth 30% of our final grade. We need to construct multiple pieces of work that relate to a problem seen in society today."

"You already need to start doing things that are worth that much of your final grade?" You gasp. "All I'm doing right now is memorising experiments I need to know for my practical exam."

"Fine Art's pretty pressuring when it comes to these kind of things." Sunoo chuckles with a sigh. "So, our project is about raising awareness on the disillusionment of social media, and how the standards posed by online strangers forces everyone to focus on their imperfections." He explains with patience. "But then, we also wanted to show how once you fully get a grasp of reality, you can realise that everyone has their own appreciative and unique beauty."

He loses himself with passion over talking about his artistic piece, a sparkle taking over his features when he discusses what he wants to represent with his work. Your heart clenches as he does so, watching his eyes form crescents that replicate the ones you would see in the night sky, and how his nose scrunches from the way he grins.

"I can't believe you guys come up with these things, it's literally amazing." You respond in awe, mostly talking about what he wants to make in the future, but also on how ultimately attractive he appears to you right now. Your creativity was a weakness of yours, so the fact that Sunoo was able to say these things with such intention was highly admirable.

"Thanks." He blushes from the compliment.

"So then—what does that have to do with the favour you want to ask of me?"

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