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YOUR BOREDOM HAD HIT ITS PEAK sitting in that classroom, listening to your professor drone on and on in a monotone voice that immediately had you disinterested

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YOUR BOREDOM HAD HIT ITS PEAK sitting in that classroom, listening to your professor drone on and on in a monotone voice that immediately had you disinterested. You were glad that your lecture had finally finished, quickly packing up your things to rush out and do something much more productive. Even though the class is normally viewed as a normal duration, your neck ached from hunching over your laptop, and your thighs had grown numb from sitting down in the same position for too long. You were looking forward to having lunch, numerous ideas spiking in your brain that you could use to satisfy your cravings. Make some jjapaguri at home? Grab ingredients to make some penne pasta? Or go out to a trendy cafe closeby?

YOU : Heading home soon. Do you want me to get you anything?

AYAKA : Define anything ;)

Your mind was on autopilot, your almost lifeless figure drifting through the hallway as you tried to come up with a decision on where to eat. One of your palms reached up to rub at one of your eyes in an attempt to keep yourself awake for long enough to bring you to the exit of the building. You absolutely despised morning lectures like these, especially when it concerned topics that were on the much less interesting side. As much as you love Chemistry, there were just some aspects of it that made you want to quit the degree altogether.

You were so detached from your surroundings that you became too surprised upon recognising a boy heading in your direction. It all happened too quickly, your eyes blinking closed to open and meet the familiar figure. Almost as if it was instinct, your heart sped in your chest when you locked eyes with the oh too familiar guy from your past, his voids of irises running briefly over your figure. Even as you were about to reach a point of exhaust, you were suddenly aware of everything about him. His fresh cologne that reminded you of early mornings with him in the sun, to the late nights you spent in each other's beds, and the easy afternoons where he would walk you back home to sneak a quick, cheeky kiss. As he raked a hand through his onyx locks, every emotion you wanted to hide, every broken feeling you wanted to forget, it all came rushing back to you the second the two of you made eye contact. Unlike the night at the party, this time it was much more intense, making your skin run cold from fear.

You were terrified that he made you feel this way.

That he had the capability to make you feel like this after so long.

God, you missed him.

Before you could say anything, Jay passed by you swiftly. He did not waste another second to linger around you, disappearing in the other direction down the quiet hallway. As he passed you without saying a single word, not even a small greeting, you failed to miss the outlines of hickeys on the side of his neck. Although they were small and harmless, it tore away at the cracks in your heart that he had made. You were left staring at the back of Jay's leather jacket as he continued to walk down the corridor, the encounter ending in no more than a few seconds.

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