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BOWLING can't be that hard, can it?

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BOWLING can't be that hard, can it?

You continue to reassure yourself in that manner as you tie the laces of your sneakers, preparing yourself for the day to come. Even after the whole back and forth between you and Jaeyun of making up excuses to why you think bowling was a bad idea, you still managed to wind yourself up thirty minutes away from meeting him at the bowling alley.

It was not the idea with meeting up with Jaeyun that you are hesitant about. Over the past few weeks, you had actually grown to be rather close with the guy, encountering him in sudden bumps into each other in the hallways of your University which led to going out for coffee in the nearest cafe, or conversations over text that made you laugh out loud. Despite his heavily flirtatious nature, you did appreciate having him as a friend of yours. There was always some way for him to make you end up in a fit of giggles.

However, you were not meeting up with just Jaeyun today. You are practically trembling in the fingers because in around half an hour, you would be at the bowling alley with all of the people Jaeyun had invited along with you. The bunch included all the people you were hoping to avoid for the rest of the semester — Jay and Heeseung. As well as them, you had also been informed that Nari was coming, which made you already sick to the stomach from the future jealousy you were bound to feel.

That's why you had tried to come up with a whole load of excuses to get yourself out of the get together. Jaeyun had howled with laughter when you attempted to get yourself out of the get together (with his head thrown back and everything),  tears of amusement brimming in his eyes as he listened to your excuse of being 'traumatised from bowling since you had dropped the ball on your foot once', or how you would put 'everyone in danger' if you came to the bowling alley. In his words, you are "terrible at lying, since you rub at your neck every time you try to say anything false."

God, you hated how much Jaeyun could pay attention to the smallest details.

Thankfully, even though Jaeyun was sure that you had tried your best to avoid attending this get together by all means, he did not press much into it. That means he still is not aware of anything that happened regarding Jay (however he did assume that it was something to do with his best bud Lee Heeseung, which is not so far from the truth).

"Are you sure about this?" Ayaka asks from her position on the sofa, watching you from above her cup of coffee which is held to her lips.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me." You sigh, fixing the strap of your shoulder bag whilst giving one last look at yourself in the mirror. "Thankfully, there are more people I don't have a problem with there than people who ignore my existence. So it's all good, I hope." Once you have said that last sentence, you do not miss the way Ayaka immediately rolls her eyes, waving you off quickly so that she did not have to deal with you anymore.

JAEYUN: Are you on your way?

"I should get going." You shove your phone into your pocket without replying to Jaeyun's message.

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