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YOUR monotonous routine restarts again on Monday, when you head into school with a floral cardigan wrapped loosely around your upper half. According to the packed calendar that's always displayed on an opened tab on your laptop, you have a group practical coming up soon, so the meeting today would probably be for the sole reason of dividing up into groups.

Unluckily, group projects were the one thing you hated about your degree.

You walk through the open door into your lecture room, where some of your peers are already seated. Without even having to think about it, you make your way to the back of the room, settling yourself down in your usual spot that's thankfully right underneath the air conditioning outlet. It's like muscle memory now, the way you open your laptop and create a new document so that you can jot down any important notes from today.

A few minutes later (which is a good five minutes before class starts), Heeseung walks in, drawing in the eager stares of many across the lecture room as he takes a seat at the front and centre. One of the sleeves of his black backpack is slung lazily over one of his shoulders, and earphones are currently plugged in his ears as he settles down in his seat. His hair seems significantly straighter than when you had last seen him (though you don't say these thoughts aloud in the fear of being viewed as a creep), and despite your restraints, you sneak glances over at where he's sitting every other minute over the top of your laptop screen.

He always has this heartthrob of a grin whenever he comes to class, charming people instantly with a simple smile and few words, that you've noticed since it is difficult to not take notice of the guy. In seconds, people are already beginning to crowd around him, forcing him to take one of his earphones out to make polite conversation.

"Yah, Heeseung! Answer my texts. You've been leaving me on delivered for like a week."

"Dude! You wanna go out for lunch with me after class today? My treat!"

The guy leans back into his chair with folded arms, playing with the wire of his earphones as he listens to what people say to him, only to respond with short answers. Sometimes he forces out a laugh, other times he just nods along. A royal blue denim jacket hugs at the biceps of his arms, the fabric bundling together at his elbows as he rests them on his desk. Thankfully enough, before the guy could catch you staring (you curse yourself for doing so), your professor waltzes into the room, a merry smile smacked upon on his face.

"Alright, alright, everyone—settle down." Professor Kim hits his clipboard loudly against his desk in order to get the students to quiet down. "I want to make this quick. We're not going to use up the whole time of this lecture, and as you probably already know, this lecture has been arranged in order for you guys to get into groups for the major practical coming up."

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