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ARE YOU JUST NOT ALLOWED to catch a break, or something?

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ARE YOU JUST NOT ALLOWED to catch a break, or something?

Today, you had intentionally organised to go to the chic cafe near your University since you wanted to have a 'productive study session'. After seeing so many people rave about the pleasant environment online, whether it be on twitter or on the school forum,  along with everybody you followed sharing their aesthetic pictures on Instagram, you caved into the hype and wanted to have a look at it yourself.

You had done everything right in order to settle in for a study marathon where you would actually get shit done. First, you had tucked your phone away into the pocket of your bag to ensure that you had no distractions whilst you were doing your work. You originally wanted to put it on silent, but you knew that Ayaka would throw a fit if you did not answer any of her calls immediately. So you kept it in its usual mode, but out of sight, and out of mind.

Secondly, the café definitely exceeded your expectations. Your first order was an iced mocha, a drink that you believed was a safe option if it turned out to be bad. So when you took the first sip, your eyes widened from surprise by how amazing it tasted. It was safe to say that you swallowed the whole drink down in record time — and after that, you had 2 more of the same kind. And just like that, your weekly allowance went down the drain in a matter of minutes.

For an hour, you had actually managed to complete some of your assignments (which does not happen often, even though you were embarrassed to admit it), typing furiously away at your computer. Your fingers were beginning to cramp up when your phone begun to ring in its designated pocket between the confines of your bag, the repetitive ringtone quiet but still loud enough to be heard by you.

At first, you try to ignore it, convincing yourself that it was just some scam caller that would get frustrated after not being answered after a couple times. You continue to work on your assignment, bottom lip tugged between your teeth as you attempt to finish a paragraph, but the sound of your ringtone persisted. People are beginning to look in your direction, glares and furrowed brows across all their features as they wait for you to pick up the damn phone. Unable to take it anymore, you frustratedly reach into your tote bag to retrieve your phone and see who was being such a pain in the ass right now—

10 Missed Calls from JONGSEONG (DONT ANSWER)


Fucking fantastic.

Absolutely phenomenal.

With a sigh, you practically punch your phone with your finger as you answer the call and aggressively put it up to your ear. And just like always, for what seemed like hundredth time this week, you hear the annoyingly attractive voice of your ex boyfriend over the phone, his deep voice tickling uncomfortably at your ear as if he was actually standing right next to you.

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