The Winter Warrior Program

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James still didn't let go of her, wanting to keep fighting.

"We both know," she started whispering and still chocking out. "That..that if I win they will brainwash you more. Look I don't know you but I know you are just like me. You don't do this by your own will. I won't put you in more pain that you already are. I understand you trust me."

Then she pushed himself off his chocking embrace and made herself fall on the floor down to him making the impression to their two leaders that the Winter Soldier won the fight.

Natasha breath heavily looking at James who had his eyes widely opened, like if he was asking her just by looking at her what had she done. He couldn't believe it. She sacrificed her honour for him to have less pain to endure.

And for that, he will be forever thankful to her.

"See," Wolfgang said to Madam B next to him in German. "I told you my Winter Soldier is unbeatable." He smiled.

"But," He continued. "I have to admit that your Widow is quite an amazing assassin too. And after seeing that, I agree to start the program you proposed to me. Let's start the Winter Warrior program. I will send you someone to bring you the Winter Soldier genetic and you will be able to do the rest."

Madam B was just over the edge. This project could revolve the assassin's world. People who needed stronger assassins to do more mission demanding more strength could do it.

Wolfgang shouted an order in German to James and this one immediately put back his mask on, looking at Natasha one last time. He looked at her with a look that she knew meant that he was forever thankful for what she did for him. He looked at her with admiration and respect and then vanished away with Wolfgang.

Little that she knew, the next time she would see him would be in five years, covering an engineer, that would die to his hands.

Once they were gone, Madam B went closer to Natasha. Natasha really wished that she wouldn't get the graduation ceremony. She really hoped that she would escape it. Then Madam B rested one of her hand on Natasha's shoulder, and she could swear she saw a shadow of a smile on Madam B's face.

"I have to admit that you did a good job today even if he beat you." She started. "I will exceptionally give you the afternoon off in your room. Because you need to rest. Tomorrow morning will be your graduation ceremony. And then, we will release you into the world to give our clients what they want."

Natasha felt tears coming to her eyes. She couldn't go through that. Her dream always was to build a big family with a man that she would have loved. But now all her hopes are up. She tried one last time to defend her rights, even though she knew that could be a lost cause. But she really needed to try it out.

"But," she started. "I fought well today, do I really need to do that? I mean I could stay here, I will do whatever you need me to do- please." She really begged. She felt her lips trembling.

"The ceremony is necessary." Madam B repeated again. "The best widows all got through that. And Natalia you are the best we ever got here. So of course you will get a ceremony." Madam B smiled which broke Natasha even more. Madam B nodded to the two other girls who were now at the gym doors. "Now go to your room and get some rest okay? You will need it."

And with that, Natasha couldn't even argue anymore. The two other girls quickly grabbed her and escorted her back to her dorm room.

When the door of her dorm room closed and that she was sure that she was alone, Natasha started to cry. She was only a teenager and tomorrow they will remove her the only thing that separates her from her happiness, having children.

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