Ch. IV TW: mentions of r@93

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Bella, Jessica, and I were currently sitting on one of the park benches that sat just outside of the cafeteria.

"He's not here. The Cullens disappear every time the weather gets nice," Jessica said, noticing Bella's not-so-subtle search for Edward.

"What do they just ditch," I asked, putting my copy of Harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban away in my bag.

"No, their family takes them on special camping trips. I tried that out on my parents, not even close," Jessica said with a slight chuckle.
I nodded with a slight smile as I saw Angela running up to us with a huge smile proudly displayed on her face.

"Guys, I'm going to the prom with Eric,
I just asked him. I took control," Angela exclaimed, rushing over to our table excitedly. I got up and wrapped her in a tight hug as we squealed.

"I'm so happy for you," I gasped, smiling as I pulled away.

"I told you that would happen," Bella smiled, pulling her into another embrace.

"Are you Sure you two have to go out of town?" Angela asked with a frown. I nodded.
"Sorry, it's a major family thing, no getting out," I said as she sat next to me.

"Ok, we should go shopping on port angles before all the good dresses are cleaned out," Jessica said as the shrill sound of the bell rang.
"Port angles, mind if me and vi come."
Bella asked, quickly scooping up her things and shoving them into her backpack.

"Yeah, I need extra opinions," Angela scoffed "you guys better be there."

I laughed as I started my descent to my classroom.
"I like this one," Jessica said, holding up a pink dress and admiring the sequins and elaborate detailing before holding it up for Angela and me to see.

"That's cool," Angela commented with a nod.

"But like, I don't know about the one-shoulder thing," Jessica sighed, tilting her head as she turned the dress facing her.
"I think it looks nice, Jess, "I said, glancing up at her from my reading.
"Ooo, I like this one" Angela smiled
She was holding a blue dress with a baby blue now tied around the waist and beads around the V-neck.

"Yeah, I like the beading," Jessica admired, brushing her finger against the light blue beads.
"Jess, what do you think about lavender,"  Angela asked Jessica as she looked up at the dress Angela was pointing out.

"Is that good? Is that my color" Angela asked for reassurance as I chuckled and nodded as Jess smiled.

"I like it," I said as we heard a loud knock on the glass behind us.
I looked up, and there stood three fully grown men with yellowing teeth and tattoos smiling at us. I groaned in disgust as a sickening voice called out
"Nice" it exclaimed
They knocked on the window and pointed at me, making a phone with their hand as I covered my face with a hood.

"Oh geez, that's uncomfortable."
Jess scoffed as she went back to looking at some more dresses.
"That's disgusting. I'm only fifteen."
I added as Bella wrapped an arm around me
I continued to look out the window as people passed by doing their everyday shopping and whatnot when I was brought back to life with a tap on my shoulder

"Hey, let's go," Bella said as she stood up and handed me my bag. I quickly nodded as we made our way out of the store and a few streets down  To a cute-looking book store.

When we were done shopping, it was dark, and Bella, the smart cookie she is, decided to make a shortcut down a not suspicious-looking alleyway.

It wasn't long before the perverts at the dress store found us.
"Hey, saw you two in the dress store," one guy shouted as two more appeared down the alley. We quickly changed directions as the alley opened into a driveway-looking area.
"Hey, where you two going" another one called as suddenly four more appeared. "Hey, there she is," I heard a voice say as I gripped Bella's hand.

Bella and I tried to push through the group of men before one of them grabbed my shoulder.
"Don't touch me," I hissed as I felt tears form in my eyes.
"Hey, don't be like that," one of them said before they all started spewing creepy compliments and forming a circle around Bella and me.

It wasn't long before they all backed away to see a grey car spending towards us At an alarming rate. They all stopped to look at it, stunned as the door flung open to reveal a familiar-looking pale-skinned boy.

"Get in the car," he growled as he walked towards the group of men.
"What's he going to do? Take all of them on," I said as well ushered me into the back seat.

"That was a dangerous stunt you just pulled there," a man stuttered from his drunken state. Edward gave him a threatening look and whispered something to him that made the man back away. He threw all of them one more glare before rushing to the car slamming the door behind him as we sped away.

"I should go back and rip those guys' heads off," he said as he picked up speed. "Hey could you slow down" I stuttered as I say the speed dial slowly creep up to 70.  Edward glanced at me through the rearview mirror before faking his foot off of the gas.

"No, you shouldn't," Bella shook her head as Edward continued to glare at nothing.

"As much as humanity would like you too I'm very sorry to say that that wouldn't end well for you or them" I stated as he glanced back at me once again.

"Listen you don't know the vile and repulsive things they were thinking"
He said as he continued to speed down the street.

"And you do?"Bella asked looking over at him as he gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"It's not hard to guess"Edward mumbled clenching his jaw as he stopped at a stoplight.

"Can you talk about something else, distract me so I won't turn around" Edward said. Bella thought for a moment her eyes flickering down to his seat belt buckle.

"You should put your seat belt on" Bella stated as Edward broke out in laughter
"Why don't you put your seatbelt on"
"Hey guys I'm sorry" Bella apologized as she climed out of Edwards passenger side door.
"Where we're you, we left you messages" Angela said looking over at me worriedly. 
"Yeah we waited but we were like starving so we-" Jessica stopped when she saw Edward get out of the car
"I was third wheeling"I said breaking the awkward silence that fell over the group.

Edward glared at me shaking his head.

"Um I'm sorry I kept Bella from dinner, we just sort of ran into each other and got talking" Edward apologized still glaring at me.
"No,we totally understand. I mean that happens, right?" Jessica said looking between Edward and Bella with as a smirk spread out onto her face.
"We where just leaving, you know what we'll take violet home for you"
Angela said
"Yeah I'm not hungry" I said with a soft smile.

Let's say... that was a lie a huge one I would do anything for Italian food.
Edward glared at me once again.
Jeez what is this guys problem it's not like he can read minds or anything.

"Ok" Bella nodded as I walked over to angela
"Have fun, don't for get to use protection" I called after her with a wink she rolled her eyes and guess what Edward did... yep he glared at me that must be his favorite thing to do

Once we were in the car anglea spoke.
"Tell me everything" she smiled as she glanced at me through the Rierview mirror.
I shrugged my shoulder "we almost got gangraped" I said nonchalantly.
Jess turned back to look at me "what!"
Hey loves another chapter done hope you had a wonderful day


Word count: 1369 words.

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