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"I don't relish on killing another creature" Carlisle says as he opened a cabinet pulling out matches "even a sadistic one like James" he finished
Rosalie sat on the counter
"What if he kills one of us first?" She asked I looked over at the blonde she did have a point

"I'm going to run Bella and violet south you lead the tracker away from here" Edward said to Carlisle
"No Edward, James knows you'd never leave Bella. He'd follow you" Carlisle said sternly

"I'll go with them" Alice announced we all turned attention to her "jasper and I will drive them south, Ill keep her safe Edward"
She said reassuringly

I nodded she seemed like someone I could trust

"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself" he asked looking intensely at Alice
"Yes" she promised and grabbed Bella's waist leading us both to there car

When i got In Edward grabbed a jacket from Bella's bag then mine throwing one to Esme and one to Rosalie
"Could you put these on so the tracker will pick up There scent"
Edward asked the two
"Why, what are they to me" Rosalie asked
Edward stopped to look at her

"Rosalie, Bella is with Edward, there part of this family now and we protect our family" Carlisle said to Rosalie sternly looking between the two in front of him they were both staring daggers at each other Carlisle handed Rosalie the jacket

Edward walked up to the car on Bella's side
"Oh god if anything- what if" Bella shuddered out "if anything happens I swear to god" Bella said on the blink of tears

Edward grabbed her hand
"Hey nothing's gonna happen, there's seven of us and two of them" Edward said then he took a deep breath closing his eyes "and when everything's done I'm going to come get you" he said locking eyes with Bella

Bella looked down and took a shaky breath "Yeah" she almost whispered and looked back up at him "Bella you are my life now" Edward said looking down on her with a gaze full of love then the car engine started
He ran his finger against her jawline and cupped her face rubbing off the tears on her cheek with his thumb. He removed his hand and just like that we drove off

I longed for something like that so much
Ahh that scene between Bella and Edward is so cute I'm team Edward all the way what do you guys think don't for get to vote bye loves<3
Word count:459

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