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Time skip :)
I looked out my window and saw Edward jumping from a tree to the top of Bella's truck

"What The fuck" I whispered under my breath as I continued to watch them as they talked I ran down stairs and pulled the door  open just as billy and Jacob  pulled in

"Hey come to visit your truck"
Bella said to Jacob
He shook his head
"Looks good got that dent out"
He said inspecting the truck
"Yeah"Bella agreed
I looked between the two as always silence fell for a moment
"Actually we came to visit your flatscreen, first Mariners game of the season, plus Jacob here keeps bugging me to see you two again"Billy said his gaze moving between Bella and myself

I looked over at Jacob and smirked at him playfully he rolled his eyes at me then looked to the ground in embarrassment

"Great dad thanks" Jacob said sifting his weight uncomfortably as he took a deep breath Billy glanced back at Jacob before settling his gaze on me and bella

"Just keeping it real son" billy said looking up at Jacob again I chuckled then Jacob smirked trying to hold in a laugh

"Vitamin r" dad says pulling beers from the back of the truck
"We'll done Chief" billy says  giving two bags of food to Jacob

"Harry clearwaters home Made fish fry"
Billy says taking one of the beers from dads hands
We followed the two adults inside listing to their chatter
Bella went to Edwards house to meet his family so I decided to go on a walk-in the woods

I felt as though someone was watching I surveyed my surroundings then I saw her she was standing near a tree staining at me
"Hello?"I said
She tilted her head
"I just love your shirt"
The red head girl said slowly looking at me like a peditor hunting it's prey
My eyes widened immediately and I knew something wasn't right I looked her up and down in fear and in a split second she was in front of me
"Where did you get it"
She said grabbing my shirt collar her hand brushed against my chest she was as cold as ice
"Get off of me! please,someone help"
I yelled and thrashed but she kept me in my place and tightened her hold moving her ice cold hand around my neck I tried to scratch at her hands she just smirked mockingly
"No,no we can't have that, don't you realise? nobody can hear you"she said laughing as I stopped screaming. I winced as her cold hand moved from my neck and was placed on top of my mouth, my mind was running a mile a minute I wondered if this would be my unavoidable end?, what about my family are they safe?, are there others? My mind was making up a thousand situations as fear courses through my veins and made me shake as a tear slipped down my cheek she got closer to me and removed her hand from my mouth still keeping a close eye on me.

I felt udderly paralyzed, every fiber of my common sense was telling me to run but, I couldnt I was frozen in fear she got closer to my face and I heard her take a deep breath in through her nose

"Such a shame" she muttered to herself then continued "too bad I have to waste such a pretty face" she said I felt her breath on my cheek
I took a shaky breath in as she moved farther away

"Don't worry I'll make it quick" the red head said I whimpered as she moved in for the kill.

then I heard something growl
I looked over and I saw a huge black wolf teeth bared and it had a vicious look in its gleaming yellow eyes
my eyes widened and I gasped in shock as she threw me to the side with superhuman strength

I groaned as I hit a tree then the ground landing on a large rock tears filling my eyes in pain and fear
she looked at me and then looked back at the wolves her lips curling up in a growl
Then with in a millisecond she was gone and so where the giant wolves

I let out a shaky breath in shock and grabbed the back of my head where there was wetness I looked at my hand and it was coated in red

What the fuck just happened
Hold on quick authors note before I continue I LOVED THAT SO MUCH also I need ideas how should I get violet and Jacob to be able to hang out more
Ok back to the chapter
I decided I was going to tell Bella what I saw in the forest but, not right now
We pulled up in the school parking lot and mike was there waiting for Bella
"Arizona, yo what's happening"
He said in greeting
Bella got out of her truck and walked over to him and nodded
"So, you and Cullen huh? I don't like it, he just, I-I don't know looks at you like your something to eat"
He said clearly a little nervous
I snorted and gave him a look he glared over at me averting his eyes from my sister
I raised my eye brow playfully
"Yeah I wonder why" I said to him chuckling then winked he rolled his eye at me as I walked away
Me and dad were sitting down at the diner
"Hey guys sorry I'm late biologically project"Bella said sitting down
"Oh hey Bella"I said and smiled at her
"I ordered you the spinach salad hope you don't mind"
Dad said to Bella
"You should order one for yourself next time, cut back on the stake"I said
"Hey I'm as healthy as a horse"
Dad said
"Yeah and when you get older you'll be more like a cow because your eating so much of it" I said back giving him a somewhat serious look but cringed at the dumb joke

He glared at me then rolled his eyes as the waitress set down our food

"Say chief boys wanna know, did you find anything down by queets River today"
She asked a look of sadness in her eye I felt bad for her.Wayland and her must have been close
i pursed my lips into a line and looked down at my food

Dad took in a deep breath
I glanced up at him, he looked sad.
then I looked at my table and only my table,
Bella noticed
"Yeah we found a bare human footprint, but it looks like whoever that is, is heading east
So kitsap county sheriff is gonna take over from here"dad said looking down at his plate then back up at the woman

She sighed and nodded in understanding
"Ok, I just hope they catch them fast"
The waitress said bowing her head and waking off and walked off

"Looks like your friends are flagging you two"dad said
I looked back and saw mike behind the glass doing a stupid dance
"It's okay You can join them if you want I'm just going to turn in early anyway" dad said
"Yeah I am too" Bella said
Dad looked to me I nodded
"Bella violet go out it's a Friday night, looks like the Newton boys got a big smile for you" dad said looking down at his food
"Yeah he's a good buddy" Bella said nodding
"How about any of these other yahoo's in town anybody interest you two"
Dad said
I choked on my water
"Dad we gonna talk about boys" Bella said
Dad looked at me suspiciously I sunk in my chair
"Yeah I guess not, I just feel like I leave you two alone too much, you should be around people."dad said sighing at the end  "I don't really mind being alone, guess I'm kinda like my dad in that way" Bella said
He nodded
I was in my room reading and I had my bedroom window open  i looked out of it for a second and I saw her again the same red head girl from earlier it instead of just her this time there was a tall blonde who had a leather jacket and some blue jeans they both stared at me for a second then they disappeared I slowly got up from my bed and
I knocked on Bella's bedroom door
I heard"come in" from her on the other side she was doing biology homework
"Bella I need to talk with you"I said
"What about"
She asked
I looked around and at the windows making Sure they where Locked
I let out a shaky  breath
"I saw something weird" I said
She put her biology homework down
What did you see
"There where two people outside of my widow, and when I looked away they where gone"I said to Bella
I don't know how I feel about this chapter
I was very tired while writing it but whatever I write for fun and that it so bye loves <3

Word count: 1133

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