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"So" I trailed off "vampires exist" I said not believing the words coming out of my mouth Bella nodded
I looked over at Edward
"And you and your family are-" I said
"Yeah" Edward answered reassuring what I said
"And there is a tracker vampire trying to kill Bella and myself" I said
Bella hummed
I laughed for a second then sniffled another tear falling down my face I can imagine a look of disbelief was written all over my face
"You don't believe me?" Bella asked
Looking at me intensely
"No, I do. It's just you should have told me earlier" I said hesitantly
Bella smiled her cheeks were still tear stricken 
Edward looked over at me then back at the road i could tell he was uncomfortable
"Don't worry" I said "I'm not going to tell anybody you don't have to worry" I smiled reassuringly at Bella and Edward Bella smiled back at me And Edward nodded turning back to the road  


I stared out the window for a while before speaking
"Can I call you Eddie?" I asked looking over at edward he smiled and scoffed
"Yeah, absolutely not" he said shaking his head 
I nodded "okay I'll take that as a yes" I said looking at the trees
He glanced over at Bella
"Did we have to take her, because I'm debating throwing her out the window"
He said jokingly
Bella shook her head

Lights caught my eye as we were approaching a modern looking house. Actually it was more like a mansion
My jaw dropped in awe
"Eddie you never told me your rich" I said
He didn't answer as he pulled into the driveway
Once we were inside I was looking around in awe
"Woah" I whispered to myself as I looked up the stairs suddenly a blonde haired man and another man that had long black dread locks came into view

Edward grabbed me pulling me behind him Bella grabbed on to him in fright

"Wait, he came to warn us about James" the blonde haired guy said his gaze flicking between me and Edward

The dread locks dude spoke up
"This isn't my fight, I've grown tired of his games, but he's got unparalleled senses absolutely lethal" he said taking a pause "I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years" he looked back at blonde hair dude then continued "and the woman Victoria, don't underestimate her" he said in a warning tone as his eyes moved between Bella, Edward and myself
As soon as he was done he walked out the door

"Edward can I speak with you in private" blonde hair said
Edward looked over at Bella releasing her
"Of course  Carlisle" he said walking away with him me and Bella exchanged glances and she introduced me to everyone 

An:hi I hope you had a wonderful eavning and if you're reading during the morning have a great day. As always if you have suggestions, comments or questions please please PLEASE tell me I would love to hear them any ways bye loves:)

Ameliorate // twilight (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now