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We entered the studio and that's when we heard it
"Bella! Bella! Where are you, Bella!"
It was mom
"Mom?" I said
Bella was calling out to her too
but then I heard

"Oh there you are what are you doing in here?" The voice of mom said
Bella opened the closet to find a tape of her when she was little sitting in a closet
Tears started to form in my eyes as I realized it was a trap

I heard chuckling behind me from an unknown source that laugh sent shiver up my spine and made my hair stand on edge my body and intuition told me to get out of there as fast as you can but I couldn't there was no way I'd win against James or any vampire. But there was also Bella I couldn't just leave her there to die, so even though my brain was screaming at my body to get out of there I couldn't, I was frozen in place

Then I turned around to face James Bella was already face to face with the vampire gasping
"That my favorite part, you were a stubborn child weren't you?" He said tilting his head to the side and chuckling as Bella's eyes filled with tears

James grabbed Bella's shoulder harshly pinning her against the wall and taking a deep breath in as he breathed in her scent
"She's not even here" Bella said as a tear streaked down her cheek Bella was taking in long shaky breaths trying to keep her composure

"No" James said then chuckled again moving his face dangerously close to Bella's

"Sorry but you made it too easy" he said In a fake soft voice running his finger down her cheek feeling the warmth that he anticipated to take away

"we're gonna make a film of our time" he said as he pulled out one of moms old video recorders and smirked menacingly
"I borrowed this from your house, hope you don't mind" he said raising his eye brows showing fake concern

Bella took in a deep breath as a tears continued to fall from her eyes
"good" he said
He paused for a moment then flipped the recorder on "and action" he said and turned the camera towards me for a moment showing me still frozen in place

Then he turned it towards Bella who was still backed up against the wall she took in another shaky breath "aw that'll break Edwards little heart" he cooed tilting his head one again in a teasing manner
Bella's eyes widened as processed what the vampire had just said she shook her head frantically in panic "stop it Edward has nothing to do with this" I heard Bella yelled her voice sounded strained as she moved closer to James threateningly

James just chuckled before turning tords me again
"Aww look at you, are you scared. Poor baby" he said moving closer to me putting the recorder up to my face too close for my liking "get away from me" I said my voice was low as I was trying to be as intimidating as possible
he laughed once more then whispered "so scary" mockingly moving the camera away from me focusing it on Bella once more

As soon as he turned her way Bella sprayed him with her pepper spray she already had prepared in her hand.

She took this opportunity to try and run away from him she took off at full speed
Making it one quarter of they way to the door before James recovered

James growled his eyes becoming dark with pure anger. He jumped in front of Bella stopping her by putting his hands around her neck and got ready to fling her across the room

"Wait!" I screamed just as he was about to throw her he looked back at me "please don't hurt her" I pleaded with tears rolling down my cheeks
"look who's begging for attention " he said his yellow hungered eyes focused on me
"how very intriguing"
he said as he threw Bella to the side

Ameliorate // twilight (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now