Part 7- The shopping trip

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To my surprise no one had made any complaints about my going shopping and spending money on Loki and as we drove I was deep in my own mind, trying to plan our trip in the most efficient way, to make it slightly less painful for the girls. "What first y/n?" Nat asked me, she already looked exhausted, shopping was not something she took particular joy from and she knew that even if I didn't get distracted it would likely be a long day.

Shopping for people's barwens had become something I always enlisted the girls to help me with. They were the least likely to complain and even though I rarely required advice or opinions they were the best to offer it should I need. I often get the impression that Nat finds me a little soft or gentle, in contrast to her more brass approach, and so she naturally found the activity of shopping for others a little tedious. Despite our differences I did get along well with Nat, and she often humoured me.

After a few seconds I finally responded to her question. "Clothes, I think we should look for clothes first", Wanda cocked her head to the side before asking "you really think he'll wear anything other than those robes? He strikes me as very particular". I shrugged in response "He'll come around to it I think".

We arrived at a large store that towered above us. I began thinking about what the god might want. I ran my hands over all manner of expensive materials in the store, hardly listening to the chatter of the people watching us, it wasn't every day that three Avengers were spotted shopping. I finally selected two suits, one grey and one black, Wanda was right, I think Loki would much sooner enjoy more formal wear. I also spotted a beautiful Green blazer and some buttoned shirts that would match well.

While I was sure he wouldn't be caught wearing anything other than a suit or smart trousers outside his room, but I still picked up some light sweaters and comfy trousers. Something about his body seemed to run cold, and I had a feeling he would not enjoy feeling too warm. As we got ready to leave the store a pair of green striped PJ bottoms caught my eye, I added them to the basket at the last minute.

Bedding and pillows were easy to find, his colours seemed to be very popular this spring and so I found all sorts of different shades of gold and green, I found some curtains in patterns matching the bedding, it was all coming together nicely.

Our next stop was a vintage furniture store. A long green velvet chaise-lounge had caught my eye from the window, there were a few trinkets that I believed might tie the room together, ornate plant pots and a classic chandelier. It was here that we found the most perfect thing, sitting on top of a table in the middle of a light display was a felted lampshade in the shape of a stags head, with large horns. I picked it up immediately and brought it over to the counter. While Nat had turned her nose up and insisted it was 'horribly gaudy' I knew I needed it for him, it was somehow perfect. I thought it would make him laugh.

After four hours of running round stores we slumped into the car. "Please tell me we're done y/n?" Nat pleaded. Wanda was half buried under bags and looked like she was ready to collapse, "You know Tony could have all of this delivered" she said with a tired smile. I shook my head at them "Honestly, you two can run around saving the world but you can't manage a couple hours shopping! We only have one stop left". The car pulled into a much quieter part of town, and I weaved my way through the streets to the little bookshop I had once called home.

The door opened with a creak and the familiar bell sounded out. An old man's head popped out from a row of books, a wide smile grew across his face. "y/n!" He exclaimed, "to what to do I owe the pleasure, the books you asked me to find aren't in yet!". I smiled and ran over to hug him placing my forehead to his "Mr Matsumoto! How are you? How is your health? I'm actually here for a friend" he smiled and turned to the girls behind me.

Since I moved in with the Avengers I make sure to visit him often. Sometimes someone will accompany me and he was always happy to see them, "well it's not every day I have the avengers in my little store, have a look round little one and I will make some tea for your very tired companions". Wanda and Nat sighed in relief and sunk into the well-worn comfy armchairs in the corner of the shop. It didn't take long to pick up the books I wanted, some classic poetry, most of the works of Shakespeare, many of the classics, both modern and old. I wanted to bring a wealth of Midgardian culture to him. Mr Matsumoto's eyes widened as I carried more and more books to the counter. "Your friend must be as avid a reader as us", he chuckled as he wrote down the prices of all the books, tallying them up on an old calculator. I nodded "I believe he is Mr Matsumoto".

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