Chapter 1: That Day.

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Hi guys, quick interruption. What do you want me to call yall?

It was on a summer morning, when we see two green haired children running to their parents. Their two names were: Izuku and Izumi, today was the day they get their quirks.

Izuku: Mommy, Daddy! Wake up! Its time for our quirk test!

Izumi: Come on Mom and Dad! Wake up, we want to find out what our quirks are!

Inko: Im up, im up. What do you two want for breakfast?

Izumi and Izuku: Pancakes/Katsudon!

Inko: I'll make your guys' breakfast, please wake up dad. He is still fast asleep. He needs to wake up earlier.

Izuku: Izumi, go get the you know what. And do operation VAA!

*Izumi gets an airhorn*

Izumi*airhorn*: Attention everybody! Their is a villian on the loose. I repeat there is a villain on the loose!

Toshinori: Huh? Wait, villain? AHHHH KIDS GO WITH YOUR MOTHER!

Izuku: Dad, it was just a way to get you awake. We are having our quirk test soon, and mommy said to wake you up!

Toshinori: Ok, i'll just sit on the couch and wait for you guys.

*after breakfast and in the quirk hospital*

Doctor: Izuku and Izumi Yagi.

Inko: Come on kids, lets go hear your quirks.

*in the doctors room*

Doctor: So i have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?

Inko: I would like to hear the bad news first.

Doctor: It seems that Izuku is quirkless, through the 2 joints in his pinky toe we can see that that is a sign of quirklessness through research.

Izuku's whole world broke down right in front of him. He felt like he couldn't be a Hero anymore, like All Might. He was broken at that moment.

Doctor: The good news is your daughter has a powerful telekinesis. It is about 10x more powerful than the number 4 hero Telekinetic!

Inko*lifts up Izumi with stars in her eyes*: You can be an amazing hero one day Izumi!

Izumi: Yay! I can be a Hero!!!

*Inko takes Izumi and Izuku in the car and drives home*

Toshinori: Hey Honey, how'd it go at the doctors? What are their quirks?

Inko: Well Izumi has a powerful telekinesis quirk, 10x more powerful than the number 4 hero and Izuku is quirkless.

Izuku thought that his father would come and comfort him but no. His father did not come to comfort him at all, he went and put Izumi in the sky and flew her around the house while they were neglecting me. I saw that they didn't want me to be there at that point so i just went back to my room and hope that tomorrow would be a better day.

*the next day*
*at school*

Katsuki: Hey, Izumi! What is yours and your brothers quirk?

Izumi: Oh i have a 10x more powerful telekinesis than the number 4 hero and my brother is quirkless. Im scared that he will die when he wants to become a hero!

Shoto: Silence is my best key. So, FUCK THIS BITCH IM OUT!

*take 2*

Shoto: Well, how about we bully him until he loses his will to become a Hero. It will make him afraid of Quirks and he wont want to be a hero.

The rest: Ok, we can agree with that!

*they walk up to Izuku*

Izumi: Hey brother, do you still want to be a hero?

Izuku: Yes, i still want to be a hero with everything in my bo-

Izuku is interrupted as Katsuki and Katsumi put explosions on his body and Shoto and Shoka use their fire to burn him.

Katsuki: You cant do anything, you Deku! You are worthless and weak! Give it up already, dont become a hero!

*after 30 minutes of beating on him, they leave him alone*

Izuku limps his way home as it takes an hour or two to get home. He takes an apple and starts eating it when he is inside but Inko takes the apple away from him and slaps him.

Inko: You are not allowed to eat food for my baby daughter, you filth. Get your hands of of it!

Izuku realising she wont help him, neither will anyone else. Goes to the computer and researches how to bandage his wounds. After he bandaged his wound up, he went around looking for food in the trash that is eatable. He wanted to puke it all out but kept going through with it.

This went on for 5 years like this. Izuku never got a day without beatings. He hated it.

Well that was my first chapter of the book. Hope y'all liked it. DL signing out.

793 words.

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