burning house

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Velocitys Pov:

Me and my army marched towards the village and territory of Demonia.

We had gotten a emergency message from them saying they were under attack.

I was good friends with the chiefess of Demonia, Night storm.

We went as quick as we could on horseback.

I held my sword close as we neared.

We could see smoke and taste and smell the scent of burnt wood and flesh.

I was worried,the dragons had been attacking here,they were violent and blood thirsty.

I made my horse go towards the burning remants of the village.

It was a skitish animal now.

We entered what was left of the village.

Around us layed the burnt remains off demonias inhabitants.

Many of them I couldn't tell who it was.

My soliders spread out looking for survivors.

I looked around also.

"Chief velocity"Rubia said coming up to me.

"Yes Commander rubia"I answered.

"They found something"she said.

I got off my horse and walked towards where some of my people were in shock.

They moved away letting me through.

I knelt down in the rubble and moved it to the side to reveal a dead night storm.

She was half burnt and had blood trickling out of her mouth.

I was so angry and upset, night storm was a good friend and those beasts killed her.

I mourned my dead friend but then I heard a noise

I looked down into her arms and saw a small bundle in her arms.

The bundle moved and cried.

I picked it up to see a baby.

The baby had two small black horns, blonde fluffy hair,pointed ears,small hooves and a small red tail.

I held her close and cooed softly to her.

"It's ok"I said to her.

"What are you going to do cheif?"quake asked me.

"Me and windsheer will raise her,we will raise our little illusion"

Thunder shadows Pov:

Me and my mate sat by our nest waiting for our egg to hatch,this was our first clutch.

We had heard some other dragons had attacked a nearby village,we hadn't as we need to stay with the nest to protect it.

"Look"hunterbolt said as the egg moved.

We smiled and waited for the egg to hatch.

It moved and swayed in the nest as cracks appeared along it.

We watched happily as finally the egg split apart and our dragonet sat there in the egg.

I gently lifted her out and placed her in the nest.

We Nuzzled and licked her gently.

"Welcome to the world our little aylia"

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