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An: aylia belongs to my friend sdelano20

Aylias Pov:

I was so happy.

My mate was going to have my eggs.

I cuddled her close.

"To tight"She Whispered as I loosened my grip around her.

She was so cute and cuddly.

I licked her cheek and she purred.

I laid her down in the nest and Nuzzled her.

I was so excited.

Illusions Pov:

I was flustered, especially after what happened.

I blushed at the through of having babies with her especially since there was a high chance now.

How would my parents react.

Not that I was pregnant but because that aylia was a Draconian.

I smiled as she put me in the nest and cuddled me but that thought was still in my head.

What about my parents.

I sighed and allowed the Dragon girl to cuddle me.

It was nice.

She was warm and comfortable.

I smiled maybe living here won't be so bad.

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