mind and body

41 2 65

An: aylia belongs to my sdelano20

Aylias Pov:

I sighed as I watched her shake.

My mind told me that this was food,while my body told me she was my mate,my partner,my soulmate.

I winced as she flinched at me moving.

"I'm sorry my mate"I said sadly.

She shaked as I licked her clean in my dragon form.

I dipped her into a small pool of water in the cave.

I cleaned her and warmed her with my Body.

I purred as I cuddled her, putting her near my breasts.

"There there"I said speaking in dragon tounge.

The girl shakes and I decided to sing to her.

You’re okay
You’re all right
I’ll never ever leave your side
I will stay
And I will fight
With you

You’re okay
You’re all right
I’ll stay here
Through the darkest night
All the way
I will fight
With you

she started to stop shaking and fell asleep by my stomach.

I smiled.

"I'll keep you safe my mate"

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