When They're upset

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- Immediately you know he's upset cause he's practicing with no effort
-You make his favorite food and make him a warm drink
-After you two sit down
-Give him a minute of silence and he'll start babbling about everything

- Is pissed off and takes it out any way he can
- When you ask what's wrong he Immediately snarls at you
- Usually people would Leave but you stand there unelected
- Finnaly after probably ten minutes of thinking if he should tell you or not he yells every single problem he has had.
-Make sure to make him food and cuddle when he wants to

-  If he's pissed upset he swears at you but if he's upset enough that he ends up just putting under a rug you find out either way
-You have to carefully poke and prod trying to get him to open up but if you can't get him to open up
-He gets put on the couch and handed hot cocco

- Either is very lost in thought or quietly crying Usually the latter
-You both cuddle together until he starts talking and rambling through sobs -hope you all can understand what he's saying

- Just randomly screams what's wrong in the middle the floor Usually scaring the living shit out of you Expecially when you don't realize she's home
-You make the bed as comfortable as you can and grabs a bunch of plushies and yall both cuddle for a good long while

- Looks Usually upset and will hug on to you when he's upset
-No pushing he just comes clean about when your upset

- Somewhat pissed and accidentally lashes out at you
-He immediately regrets everything when he sees your face saying sorry

- Usually covers it up with is "All fine" face
- Every day you put a note pad down in front of him and have him write 5 top things made him upset today

- Tries hiding it but is a lot more skittish than he usually is
-He starts talking when you ask

- Nobody sees if Daichi is upset except for you and Sugawara
-You two or one confront Daichi and ask what upset him he comes clean and he usually starts talking but its usually you asking

- Is glaring at something or is lost in thoughts
-He camly (My dumbass can't spell ;-;)
tells you whats upsetting him no problem

- Iwa is ice cold sometimes especially when he's upset and no one notices
-You being a person who grew up around people with physic abilities
-Growing up with people like that you got in tune with yours and you usually can tell someone's emotions through it
-Iwa keeps wondering how you know he's upset when no one else does

- Completely ya can't get shit out of this man
-He takes his frustrations out on the ball

- Usually shows he's upset when he's alone
-After giving him some alone time you could in and cuddle him not saying anything.

- Immediately is a lot bitcher mostly cause of Semi
-When you say something about Semi and he glares at you you know Semi did something and he's about to get a talking to by his younger sister

- Another "I'm all fine" face but after it's all to much to keep in he crys when your not there so he doesn't see you upset as well

- Shoves it all the fuck down its unhealthy but he doesn't care
-He usually forgets about it and doesn't care

- I's emotional so expect a lot of crying and get a plushie if ya don't want broken bones

- He just sleeps it off or uses you to get stress off 😏
(Ik I was going to make a dirty comment somewhere)
A/N: Ok so I'm updating everything cause I read everything back through and 💀. So ya new stuff that we didn't have will show up at random places

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