Meeting The team

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- Tsukishima was very annoyed that he probably would need to deal with another idiot but luckily you were smart so he tolerates you
-Suga just ends up watching you and Hinita making sure you don't kill yourself
-Beside Kags and Tsuki the team really enjoys your personality and thinks your a great match for the red head

- Tsukishima started teasing the he'll out of him and Kags was getting angry
-At this point the whole team was hoping it wouldn't be a fight
-Yams was asking Tsukishima to stop
-Honestly at this point you were irritated and snapped an insult back at Tsuki and he shut up
- Asahi is kinda scared of you
- The forgotten trio really don't mind you being around
-Hinita loves you
- Most of the team is unsure how to feel about you

- Immediately wondering how the fuck did a sweet child end up with Tsuki
- Tsuki started nagging on Kags and you  glared at Tsukishima getting him to shut up immediately
-The team likes you but is somewhat scared of you

- The whole team loves you but Daichi and Tsukishima have their doubts about you

- Nishi and Tanaka are coming up with conspiracy theorys on how you two met
- The team doesn't mind you but you somewhat come off ad rude

- Tsukishima is about fucken done with his life
- Tsuki starts being rude to you and Nishinoya is already there telling him to fuck off
-The team loves you

- Asahi is downright scared of you Enoshita is somewhat too
-Nishi likes you except for the part where you make dark jokes
- Sugawara immediately becomes your best friend
-Daichi is very concerned about your mental health

- Tsuki thought you were being fake nice until you gave him chocolates after  him being full out rude to you now he tolerates you more than the other teammates minus Yams
- Absolutely the team adores you 👏
- Congrats ya passed 🙂
-Welcome to hell

- I'm absolutely running out of ideas but who cares
-They know that you were a good choice for Asahi  cause he was a lot more confident

- You officially became best friends with Hinita, Nishinoya, and Tanaka
-Tsuki thought there was a sane person finally but boy how wrong was he

- They thought it was going to be another stuck up fling but were suprised when they met you
-Iwa and you took it to making fun of Oikawa here and there

- Oikawa had no idea you two were dating so he was ✨Shocked✨
-The team loves you

- They honestly thought he needed to be put in a mental intuition when he said he had a partner boy they were shocked when they met you except for Tendou who already met you
- Shirabu probably glared at you and Semi hit him over the head
-You wanted to adopt Goshiki and you glared at Shirabu when he said something mean to Goshiki

-  OK so the team honestly thought he lost it all when he said he had a partner
-Semi was kinda pissed off he would need to deal with another chaotic child
-Ushijima saw nothing wrong with you
-Goshiki probably at this point is like a little brother to you cause he hanged around Tendou a lot and knew you immediately after you and Tendou started dating
-The team loves you because you baked cake for them
- Their coach doesn't mind you haning around the team

- Semi already knows and is still angry about it
-Tendou was unsure what to do so he is laughing his ass off in the corner
-Reon and Ushijima are standing next to Semi so he doesn't kill Shirabu
- Goshiki was trying to be nice and talked to you bit Shirabu snapped something about his bowl cut he shut up about it after you glared at him

- They honestly were not suprised that he had a partner but the fact he had them meet the team means something serious
-Yaku was very nice to you, passing Kuroo off in the process
-Lev said something that should not have been said and Yaku kicked him
-You mostly sat next to Kenma who mostly played on his video games

- It honestly was a total freak accident, the nekoma team was having ice-cream and you wondered where he was so you tracked his phone to make sure he wasn't dead
-The whole team was shocked, Kuroo didn't even know

- Lev introduced you too every one and Kuroo flirted with you a little until you went over to lev and snuggled into his side

- Kita and Aran were very welcoming you and Osamu got along every well
-Astumu somewhat annoyed you

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