Takanobu Aone Updated

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How you Meet
- The second and First years were doing a group project together
- After finding a theme one second and first year worked on stuff together
- Their were at least three first years
- You walked up to Aone and asked if he needed a partner
- When he nodded his head he was a little scared when you got excited

How you Became friends
- During the Project you two got to know eachother more
-  You two got along very well and he started talking around you
- Your somewhat of a chatterbox so you both don't suffer in silence

What year and School
- Date Tech second year

First thought
- "Why do they seem so excited?"

When you Tell Them your NB or Trans
- He was suprised to say the least and accepted you no problems asked

You make Them Blush
- The first time he talked too you, you were so excited
- You made a comment on how amazing his voice was and his cheeks explode into pink

They make you blush
- After the project was done, the first and second years ate ice-cream together
- Aone noticed ice-cream on your cheek and scraped it off with a napkin
- You stopped functioning for a while

If they asked you out
- He was nervous and shy
- Aone asked the volleyball team how to asks someone out
- He ended up dropping the rose he was going to give you

If you Asked them out
- You just bounced up to him and asked him out
- He said yes camly but was panicking inside

First Date
- It was a very cute First Date
-You took him to a picnic spot
- He grew calm after a while
- You bought chocolate covered strawberrys.
-After he ate some you started smiling cause he had some chocolate on the side of his mouth

- Big spoon always

When you go out into a Thunderstorm
- Somewhat panics but knows you can handle yourself
- You might get a talking to depending if you told him you were going out or not

What Club you do
- Cross country

Their Type
-Someone whos not afraid to speak their mind
- Almost a complete cinnamon roll
-A person who isn't afraid of any hight

When their upset
- You two just cuddle up together and it really makes him feel safe

When your Upset
-will make you soup and cuddles with you
- Usually you'll both end up watching a sad movie

Meeting the team
- The team had no idea what to think to be honest
-No fights broke out when you were there luckly

Random Things you do together
- You two play games together you usually win

You Scaring Them
- He doesn't get scared and just states at you blankly

Them Scaring You
- Umm you usually jump and fall down after sliping

Drawing/Painting on Their bedroom wall
- He will clean it after you leave but not before taking a picture of it

If You'd Ignore Them
- Most people can't tell but he's sad
-You probably would stop ignoring him after seeing him sad

When They Find That you Haven't been talking care of yourself
- He sits you down In a chair and feeds you
-Gives you three water bottles and watches you drink Them all

If someone wouldn't leave you alone
- Ya... we all know someone is going to run opposite direction when they see him

Who Said I Love you First
- Him

First Kiss
- It was very sweet you were cuddling and he thought you were asleep and he kissed you
-He was startled when you looked at him

You Falling asleep on FaceTime
- He immediately hangs up not before taking a picture of you using it as his homescreen
A/N- sorry I haven't been updating school has been stressful

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