If you get sick

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- full out panics looking for stuff and somehow burns the soup well making it for you
-You were confused how he did that but didn't push it
-You two cuddles and watched movies

-You did end up getting him sick as well

- understands why you got sick but is very confused on how to take care of you
-he tried to read stuff on it and gave you random that he thought would help after he couldn't understands the articles

- is a little grumpy that he has to take care of a sick person but deals with it

- Poor baby is panicking concerned on what to do he accidentally calls Sugawara instead of Tsukishima which is probably for the best
-Sugawara took him through what he needed to do

- like Hinita full out panic wasn't sure what to do called Hinita but he wasn't much help

- Trys to keep you smiling through the day bringing you soup even tho he almost caught the house on fire

- He tried but was confused on how to cook soup his sister had to help him cook it while lecturing him, he wasn't too happy about that

- Best person to take care of you hands down except you might get a lecture on how to boost your immune system so this doesn't happen

- Panicked a little bit but realized he had this. 10/10  would recommend
-Cuddles throughout the day and he found stress away essential oils so it was pretty relaxing
-He also got sick

- Would probably wear a mask to be safe then absolutely best care you have gotten in your life
- he did still end up getting sick

-calls Iwa but if he won't answer which he usually doesn't he'll call Mattsukawa or Hanamaki to get help he's really skittish around sick people
-He's worried getting sick will ruin his appearance

- really knows what to be but was very  awkward about it
- makes you homemade chicken noodles

- definitely knows how to cook just doesn't know how to give you comfort while you are sick so he called Tendou
-You were spoiled that day
-you don't know how he didn't get sick at all
-Tho he did go to practice but leaves some stuff for you

- He knows how to cook and comfort you
-You were never hungry and you were very comfortable
-You slept most of the day though
-You tried to do the same for Tendou when he got sick
-plus he did skip practice and got yelled at

-right there with medicine and blankets
-has gloves and a mask on

- gets you soup and blankets
-doesn't care if he gets sick so cuddles

- Amazing didn't do to much wrong but forgot the pan could be hot and burnt himself he panicked causing you to get up to check on him
-He did yell at you to go lay back down

- Probably did the same thing as Kuroo and burnt his hand
-tho he didn't panicked when he felt the pain he calmly put it under the water put a bandage on it the gave you the soup going back to his game until you complained for cuddles then he did come over

-right over with the food
Makes sure your comfortable

-has soup ready and cuddles

-You both were asleep for most of the day

- Akaashi ended up bringing both warm soup cause Bokuto was confused on how to cook soup
-but you got lots of cuddles

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