Having a S/o that ghost hunts

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Pov some creepy shit happens

- Hinta watched as you put some balls down that would light up when ever you touched them
- he sat there getting anxious when you were setting up.
- As you were setting up in another room the balls went off.
- you ran over to the room where you heard Hinta scream
- When he told you the story of how they went off you were laughing your ass off at that point you found that normal but he was terrified

- actually didn't understand why you did this but wanted to do something you like to do
-as you two walked down the Asylum hall Kageyama noticed something that looked like a real life doll on the bed that was there before
- when he walked back to the door it was gone
- he looked absolutely terrified and said something about it
-he wanted to leave immediately after you said "yeah they sometimes do that."

- huge ass skeptic and makes jokes about it being an ass
- while you were exploring he was alone in a room
-when rewatching the film you saw a shadow person walking behind Tsukishima
-he refuses to believe it but he's also fucken terrified

- had anxiety the whole entire time and closely following you around.
-When you were asking questions with rods Yamaguchi felt like someoneone grab his shoulder
-you don't think you've seen someone move that quickly from where they were.
- when reviewing tape you could see Yamaguchi shirt dent
-he wanted to cry after watching that

-  almost same as Yamaguchi but the ball rolled back when she threw it.

- was absolutely excited for the hunt
-he found it fascinating when they would come through the spirit box
-Nishi got scared shitless when someone whispered next to him

- loved every second even brought his own stuff.
- When he was looking at the K2 meter when a chair moved
-That was one of the only times you heard him scream bloody murder

- He invited Asahi and Daichi to go with you  all
- Sugawara quickly learned about the stuff that you used
-Sugawara purposely scared the living shits out of Asahi and Daichi a couple of times.
-The boys were exploring the children room as you explored the bathroom
-When asking questions a doll flung across the room
-you don't think youve seen three grown men run from a room like their lives depended on it

- was absolutely terrified
-He liked it better in the children room so he stayed there as you explored the mourge
- Asahi messed around with the dousing rods asking the kids question when on the other end of the hall way he saw a figure block out the light from the other room.
- Your phone ended up with a bunch of spam calls as you found Asahi sitting on the floor looking like someone just died in front of him

- Doesn't mind going with you
-some what thinks it's bull crap until the voice recorder speaks something that none of you two said
-He had a terrified  look on his face as you laughed at his expression

- You've never seen someone jump and run out of a room as fast a Oikawa did
- he was teasing the spirits as he layed on the mourge table.
- Oikawa felt someone press on his belly
-One second there the next gone
-He wanted to leave after that

- Didn't belive in that stuff but went with you because we stand a good boyfriend
- Poor Iwa was sitting outside of the room you were In when he saw the lights black our behind a door then be there again. He went to see what it was after a few time.
-he found nothing but when he went to stand by the door again he kept seeing it
-When you came back out he didn't tell you about it but he was freaked the heck out

- was unsure at first like why go to an abandoned Asylum? ( like because it's fun duh 🙄)
- Poor Ushijima decided to explore some places by himself
-when he got into a hall way a door shut he was going to ask if you were there but then he remembered you were on the other side of the building
-He went back to check on you
-Honestly you were impressed on how he didn't freak out

- absolutely said yes before you  said anything
-Will expore anything that is considered creepy or anything that happens with no fear
-He was so happy as you two could do this together
-He got so excited when he saw a shadow person

- wears as much clothes so he won't get dirty
-He had gloves and mask on
-he went in the hall when you started setting up
-all of a sudden someone said hey in the hall way.
-he didn't think much of it until he remembered you were the only ones there

- acted like he was tough and brave when going into a hall way
-Screamed bloody murder and left the damn building after he saw a shadow person crawl on the floor
-You were just left there until he rembered you inside

- was joking about them not being real while you just walked out of the room
- something was also done with his shit because something flung a book at him
- he was shocked as you shrugged when he looked between you and the book

- Kenma was not sure what he was thinking as he sat there cold
- he wanted to do something that you liked sense you played video games with him
-You two sat there asking questions when you both heard a scream
- You both left deciding not to bother it

- Loved doing it
-Finds it fascinating on how you can talk to people from the past
-Nothing much scares him but that was until a evil entity trapped him in a room
-would not go in rooms for a time after

- You were both setting up when you both heard a scream down the hall
-both of you couldn't find anything

- loved doing it with you. You both usually laught at shit to make the nerve wear off
-Suna was watching you do a pendulum session when something grabbed his sleeve

- is usually in the children's rooms messing with stuff but puts then back out of respect
-He was trying to talk to a child when a stuff bear was thrown across the room
-It took him 5 minutes to find you
-You both left after that.

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