→ eleven

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Angel fluttered her eyes open, groaning at the soft sunlight peeking through the small window above her. A soft smile settled onto her lips as she settled back into James' embrace, wrapping her legs around his and wishing she could lay there forever.

The smile disappeared from Angel's face as she paled like a ghost when she realized how long she had been out - far too long for none of the vampires to notice. Throwing off James' hand from around her waist, Angel stumbled out of bed and scrambled to throw on her clothes thrown across the inn floor. She was still throwing on her shoes as she hopped out the door, hoping there was still time for her to make it back.

Angel sprinted through the forest, holding the skirt of her dress up as she danced over roots and twigs in an attempt to stay on her feet. Within a few minutes, she saw the manor peek between the trees as she slowed her pace, struggling to regain her breath as she carefully made her way to the back door, praying to all the gods that she wouldn't be caught. 

Angel slipped through the door, careful to step over the creaking floorboards as she crept towards her room on the second floor, listening for any vampires to catch her in the act of sneaking in.

"Well, well, well," Angel jumped as Kol appeared around the corner, a mischievous smirk gracing his lips as he eyed the disheveled brunette in front of him. "Look what we have here."

"Don't tell dad," Angel pleaded, regretting her choice of words as Kol flinched at the word dad, although she was more shocked when it was quickly replaced by a smirk.

"And have Niklaus stop all the fun?" Kol asked rhetorically with a laugh as Angel's face morphed into confusion.

"So you're not going to rat me out?" Angel asked slowly, confused by his words and the motives behind them.

"Relax, darling," Kol's words were anything but relaxing to Angel as he strutted forward and, before Angel could react, reached forward and yanked the sleeve down on Angel's dress to reveal the several hickies covering her shoulders, chest, and neck.

Angel pulled away, hastily pulling the dress back over her shoulder as she pushed past Kol with a burning face of embarrassment.

"Someone's been having loads of fun!" Kol yelled after the brunette with a laugh as she hurried up the stairs. "And don't worry about Niklaus. They've gone out hunting for a few days. It's just you and me now!"

Angel ignored his mocking as she rushed through her door, slamming the door behind her to block out the sound of Kol Mikaelson's laugh. Letting out a small sigh, she slowly took a few steps forward until she stood in front of her full-length mirror given to her by Klaus for her fifteenth birthday. As she stared at her reflection, taking in her wildly disheveled hair and wrinkled dress, she realized it was no wonder Kol found such amusement in her appearance. 

The thought of the older vampire caused Angel to flush red in embarrassment and anger.

"Fucking Kol Mikaelson," Angel muttered angrily at the mirror.

Deep in the manor, Angel could swear she heard Kol Mikaelson laughing at her.

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