→ fifteen

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Angel entered the manor with a giddy grin on her face as she fiddled with the necklace between her fingers. There was a slightly noticeable pep in her step as she couldn't stop thinking about what unfolded that afternoon.

"Well, well, look who's back," Kol's voice rang across the room as Angel paused midstep, surprised to find the vampire still up and about in the manor. 

Angel rolled her eyes, her hand dropping to her side as she became annoyed by his presence and noted the small traces of blood on his face. She watched the older vampire wearily as he leaned against the wall nonchalantly, his arms crossed across his chest and messy hair swept to the side.

"What a lovely necklace," Kol eyed the diamond around her neck as Angel forced herself not to fidget under his gaze. "A gift, perhaps?"

"I don't know how that concerns you," Angel retorted as she decided she was done with the Mikaelson brother, turning to leave only to be stopped by Kol's sudden presence in front of her. She jumped in surprise, annoyed by the smirk that crossed the reckless vampire's face at catching her off guard. 

Kol had been distracted the last few weeks, taking out his anger and loneliness by compelling, drinking, and killing random villagers. Now, however, he was back and ready to annoy Angel Knight in any way he could. Either in hopes of chasing her away from his family or to simply entertain himself until he finally had the chance to get rid of the petite human once and for all.

"What other gifts did your lover grace you today, I wonder?" Kol teased as his hand reached towards her dress, ready to pull her sleeves aside to reveal the many love bites he knew lay beneath. 

Angel scoffed as she slapped his hand away harshly, catching the vampire off guard as he raised his eyebrow at the brunette. She was much more confident and less fearful than the girl he had tormented months ago when he first appeared, and that annoyed Kol Mikaelson greatly.

"I don't have time for this," Angel told the vampire as she brushed by him, angering Kol as he turned around to watch her walk away from him. 

"I suppose you want to go say hi to daddy dearest," Kol called down the hallway, the smirk reappearing on his lips as he watched Angel freeze in her tracks for several seconds and heard her heartbeat drastically beat faster.

"What?" Angel couldn't contain herself anymore as she turned back to face Kol, revealing her pale face and trembling hands by her side. 

"They came back today," Kol revealed as he took several steps forward until he stood right in front of the anxious girl, leaning forward so his lips hovered next to her ear so he could whisper. "Perhaps if you weren't always running away with your lover you would know that."

Kol pulled away from the girl, watching in amusement as her mouth parted in shock. For a moment, he wondered exactly what she was thinking before something, or more specifically someone, caught his eye behind Angel.

"Did you miss me?" Klaus' hearty voice rang across the manor and while it would usually give Angel so much joy to hear him return from a trip, this time all she felt was dread as she turned around to face her father.

"Dad," Angel cringed at her high-pitched tone as she struggled to keep her expression neutral and heartbeat steady. She could feel Kol behind her holding back a laugh, his hand reaching up to her back as he stopped Angel from turning around a fleeing. Angel's stomach twisted into several knots as she watched her father approach them and she tried her best to ignore the way she could feel Kol breathing down her neck. 

"How was your trip?" Angel tried to make small talk and hope Klaus wouldn't realize anything was wrong.

"Same old," Klaus shrugged it away as his eyes caught the necklace around the neck. He raised an eyebrow at the sigh as he eyed it curiously noting how expensive the diamond looked. "Where did you get the necklace?"

"Probably from her gentleman friend," Kol answered before Angel could utter a single word, a cheeky grin spreading across the vampire's face. "Along with several other gifts, I believe."

Those words were all that were needed to ruin everything. Angel could've sworn the temperature around them dropped as Klaus' smile dropped as quick as lightning. Even the two other vampires of the house, who were patiently waiting in the study for the rest to join, were so shocked by the words that they peaked out into the hallway to make sure nothing went wrong. 

"Dad, wait-" Angel tried to remedy the situation but it was too late as Klaus turned to take his anger out at the closest thing. He swiped the desk beside them, the vase shattering to the ground as Angel flinched back and found herself bumping into Kol.

She pushed herself away from the amused vampire and chased after Klaus as he made his way towards the front of the house, preparing to kill the man she loved. Even Rebekah and Elijah didn't seem quick sure how to handle Klaus as Angel ran past them in a panic. Rebekah was all too familiar with how Angel was feeling, but never once had she been able to stop Klaus when he set his mind to something.

"Where is he?" Klaus yelled as he turned around suddenly, stopping Angel in her tracks as he angrily pointed at her. "What's his name?"

Angel shook her head, refusing to tell him anything as she felt tears prick at the corner of her eyes. Klaus had killed her lovers before, that was true, but never before had she seen him so out of control.

"I believe he goes by the name James Taylor," Kol pointed out much to Angel's horror. She didn't have time to wonder how Kol knew this information as she watched a murderous Klaus prepare to go kill the man she loved.

Angel clenched her fists, her fingernails digging into her skin as she squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for what she was about to do.

"I'm getting married!" Angel exclaimed.

Silence fell in the manor as all four vampires turned to look at her in shock. Klaus' face froze, almost as if he had malfunctioned by trying to process the information. The other vampire stared on, wondering how Klaus would handle the news.

Then Kol laughed. 

He knew what this meant, they all did. All that tormenting and teasing was for nothing. Kol realized he should've been helping Angel instead of punishing her. With her marriage, she would no longer be part of their family. It was genius and Kol couldn't believe he hadn't thought of it before. 

"Do you understand what this means?" Klaus' voice, while quiet, made Angel want to hide away from her father. 

Angel hesitated, her eyes sweeping over her father's angry expression. While his face held anger, his eyes told another story. A story of sadness and betrayal, something Angel never wanted to do to her father. On the other hand, Angel wanted a family. She wanted to be loved and love someone with her own heart. To have this, however, meant sacrificing everything she had grown to love and care about.

"Yes," Angel finally replied, her gaze holding steady with her father's as she gave him her decision. "I know exactly what it means."

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