→ fourteen

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"Won't your family be wondering where you are?" James asked as he traced circles around Angel's shoulder, slowly making his way down her arm until Angel reached out to grab his hand.

"They're away on a hunting trip," Angel replied as a small frown graced her lips. 

It had been three months since Klaus had disappeared, leaving her alone with Kol Mikaelson of all people. Angel was used to Klaus' "hunting trips." Hunting trips were a nicer way of explaining Klaus going out into the world to remind vampires who the real all-powerful vampire was. This meant lots of killing and ordering people around to do his bidding. Usually, they only took a few days, but she remembered times when she was younger and the trips lasted months.

Something must've gone wrong for Klaus to be away for so long, especially knowing Angel was alone with Kol, and it worried Angel. She wondered if something bad had happened to him, or if something was just holding him up. 

She wanted Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah to return back home so she finally had a family again. Kol, while becoming more bearable, wasn't someone Angel wanted to be alone with anymore. He had become bored with his little tricks when Angel began ignoring him completely. Whatever Klaus had said to Kol before he left prevented the younger Mikaelson from harming Angel Knight in any way. When Angel fully realized this, her fear slowly crept away and she found herself more annoyed at Kol than scared. 

With no reaction from Angel and no way to use her to hurt Klaus at the moment, he found newer playthings, specifically poor women from the neighboring village. While Angel felt for them, there was nothing she could do and the last thing she wanted was to piss off Kol when he was finally leaving her alone.

"When will they be back?" James questioned, his interest perking at the mention of any information about Angel's family. While Angel shared information about herself with James, very rarely did she discuss her family except to say she had a very strict father and an aunt and uncle who weren't in her life until very recently. 

"Not sure," Angel shrugged with a sigh. "They could be back tomorrow or it could be another month."

James wrapped his arms around Angel's waist from behind, giving her a soft hug as she leaned back into his embrace. Angel allowed herself to relax, closing her eyes as she thought of the man beside her and what their future held.

The two loved each other, that much Angel knew. She had never thought she could find someone so perfect for her, but James was the love of her life. Despite this, Angel had a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that something was going to go wrong. 

James was supposed to leave months ago. His line of profession usually required him to travel to different places to find work but had stayed behind for reasons Angel couldn't quite understand. He claimed something had gone wrong and his current work required his attention just a bit longer. 

When he finally finished, Angel wondered if he would leave her behind when he left. Just another broken-hearted girl as he moved on to another place as she was stuck in the same dull one since she was born.

"I have something for you," James' whispered in Angel's ears, prompting her to open her eyes as she turned to face him. Her eyes widened at the necklace hanging from his grasp, a large diamond hanging at the end.

"It was my great-grandmother's," James' explained as Angel reached up carefully and helped the diamond in her hand, afraid she would break something so precious. "I want you to wear it at our wedding."

Angel's hand dropped down in shock, her eyes snapping up to meet his hopeful ones. 

"You want to marry me," Angel repeated slowly, the concept seeming alien to her as if she hadn't thought about it a million times while lying awake in bed thinking about him.

"I'm asking you to marry me, Angel," James reiterated as he watched Angel's dead expression glance between the necklace and him. While James had been confident in his proposal that morning, Angel's reaction had him worrying she would say no.

"Oh my god," Angel's monotone voice rang before her eyes widened in joy as it finally hit her and she repeated, "Oh my god! Yes!"

James' released a laugh at the petite girl as she threw her arms around him acidity, repeating yes over and over again. When she finally gained control of herself and listened to what James was telling her, Angel pulled away long enough for him to put the necklace around her neck. 

She grinned down at the sparkling diamond, realizing that she had finally found her happily ever after. 

"I love you," James whispered into her ear, causing Angel to turn to him with a smile as she leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss.

"I love you too," Angel whispered back when she pulled away, the two sharing loving smiles as Angel realized this was the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with.

In the back of her mind, she ignored the warning telling her she would have to tell Klaus and after the wedding, she might never see her father again. She wanted to protect James and her future family and this meant she would never tell James her father was a vampire. It also meant she had to choose one. 

And at that moment, she chose James.

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