→ twelve

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Angel wasn't proud to admit it, but she spent the rest of her day hiding from Kol by staying locked away in her room. It was cowardly but Angel was only human. And the human inside Angel told her to stay far, far away from Kol Mikaelson.

The next morning, however, Angel's patience wore thin as she decided she needed to get over her fear, no matter how rational it was, unless she wanted to wither away by herself. Kol was unpredictable, that much Angel knew, so she wasn't sure why Klaus thought it would be a bright idea to leave him alone with Angel in the large manor. There must have been something Klaus said or did to the younger Mikaelson to prevent him from harming her, at least that's what Angel repeating to herself as she dressed herself that morning and prepared herself for an encounter with the devil brother.

Angel triple checked to make sure the dagger was strapped securely around her thigh before leaving her bedroom the next morning, creeping down the stairs and making her way to the pantry for food. When she reached the room, Angel released a deep breath she hadn't realized she was holding as she made her way to the stacks of food in the corner. Reaching up on her toes, Angel lifted a basket filled with fresh apples from their orchard.

Angel turned around, releasing a startled gasp at the sudden appearance of Kol, who leaned against the counter beside her with his usual devilish grin stretched across his face. Angel resisted the urge to run away from the young vampire as he stood much too close for her comfort.

"If you were trying to avoid me, you failed," Kol grinned at her surprised expression, "Miserably."

"I wasn't avoiding you," Angel lied as she scooted around Kol and set the bowl of apples on the counter next to the cutting board. She turned around again to grab a knife, holding in another jump of surprise as Kol appeared right beside her holding the knife with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Eying the vampire suspiciously, Angel grabbed the knife from him roughly as she spun around to face the apples and hide the way her hands slightly shook. Grabbing the first apple from the basket, Angel put her hands to work by precisely cutting each slide and dumping them into another basket to bring into town later.

"Why so many apples?" Kol questioned stepping up behind Angel, causing the young girl to freeze as she felt his body leaning over hers. 

"I don't know why that should be any of your business," Angel stated as the knife began to tremble in her hand despite how hard she willed it to stop.

"I could take a guess," Kol teased as his hand reached up and softly moved her hair over her shoulders, exposing her back to the vampire. Later, Angel would curse herself for not wearing a dress that covered more but she was too afraid in the moment to gather any of her haywire thoughts. Angel tensed as she felt Kol's fingers graze her back, goosebumps left in their trail as he began tracing every hickey Angel received the other night on bare skin.

"I'd rather you not," Angel struggled to keep her voice even as she picked up an apple from the basket and carefully set it on the board to cut, although her hands were shaking far too much to actually use the knife.

Angel hid her relief as Kol pulled his hands away from her skin, although it was short-lived as he leaned forward to place both his hands on the counter, trapping Angel between his arms as Kol leaned forward until his mouth was pressed against her ear.

"But it would be so much fun," Kol whispered into her ear, his breath fanning the side of Angel's face as her heart pounded against her chest so violently she thought it might burst. She could feel Kol's smirk as he pulled away from her face, but his arms continued trapping Angel between them.

"Dad would only leave me alone with you if he was sure you wouldn't hurt me," Angel started, feeling Kol tense up behind her at the words as she began cutting the apples again. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but leave me out of it."

Kol was silent for a moment and Angel wondered if he would finally leave her alone. Her false hope swiftly morphed into panic as Kol grabbed the girl and sped her across the room, slamming her against the brick wall as she released a pained grunt at the impact. Before she could even react, Kol was pulling the skirt of her dress up despite her protests, the original vampire too powerful for Angel to even attempt to fight against him. When Kol finally found what he was looking for, he yanked the dagger strapped to her thigh off and held it for Angel to see as he released her skirts.

"What if I told you this was the only thing keeping me from snapping your neck?" Kol threatened as his other hand reached up to grab Angel's neck, not enough to chock her but to keep her pinned against the wall behind.

"I'd say you're a liar," Angel's voice shook as she tried not to tremble under the maniac look in Kol's eyes. "You won't hurt me."

Kol stayed silent for a few moments before released a humorless laugh, releasing the younger girl from his grip as he turned away. He took a few angry steps, stopping where they had only stood a few minutes before, and stabbed the knife harshly into the apple laying on the cutting board.

"Careful," Kol warned as he glanced darkly over his shoulder at the terrified brunette leaning against the wall as she struggled to control her breathing. "Your heart skipped a beat when you lied."

Not a moment after Kol sped out of the pantry, Angel collapsed to the ground as her legs gave out. She wrapped her arms around her trembling figure in faux comfort, choking down a sob as she lay on the cold, stone floor alone wishing Klaus would return soon.

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