→ twenty-two

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The rest of the Mikaelsons found Angel fast asleep in Kol's arms. Klaus pursed his lips at the sight as his eyes trailed over to the fresh corpse beside the two and he struggled to control his emotions at the scene.

"Get her out of here," Klaus instructed Kol painfully, his voice tight as he tried not to let his emotions surface. "We need to clean this up."

Kol nodded before speeding out of the library with Angel cradled in his arms. The rest of the vampires shared a look as they glanced around the scene, wondering how all this could occur on what was supposed to be such a joyous day.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Rebekah's voice was shaky as she felt her stomach drop at the sight before them.

Klaus didn't say a word as his clenched fists shook at his side at the sight of Angel's newly wedded husband lying dead on the wooden surface. The blood surrounding his body was beginning to dry, seeping into the floor to forever leave its mark. The sight made Klaus' blood boil, wondering how such a heinous thing could occur under his roof without him knowing.  

Elijah and Rebekah shared a concerned glance, noticing the way Klaus' breathing became heavier and deeper at the sight. While Klaus hadn't wanted Angel to leave, it was clear he had wanted her to be happy.

Rebekah caught sight of the table nearby and the array of objects sitting on it as she stepped forward to take a better look.

"She killed him," Kol appeared at the doorway as all his siblings turned to look at him. "Angel did."

Kol's words were enough to snap Klaus out of his trance as he whipped around to face his brother.

"Oh, please," Klaus yelled as he sped over to his younger brother and gripped his throat, slamming him against the wall. "You expect me to believe such a pathetic lie?"

"Niklaus, enough!" Elijah sped over to throw Klaus off of their younger brother. Klaus growled angrily but stayed where he was as Elijah stood in front of Kol protectively.

"You think I would lie about such a thing?" Kol fired back as he straightened his back and fixed his suit, which was wrinkled and splattered with blood.

"Angel would never do such a horrendous thing," Klaus defended Angel with as much a conviction that a father would have for his daughter. "You on the other hand-"

"He had a white oak stake!" Kol shouted, rendering all the Mikealsons speechless.

Silence spread across the library as all the siblings processed the new information given to them. They had burned down the white oak tree when they had first turned, leaving nothing but ash in its place. They never had to worry about being killed by a white oak stake because they believed it didn't exist anymore. They were supposed to be safe.

"That's impossible," Klaus whispered in disbelief. "You're lying!"

"She told me herself," Kol said. "Nik, she had a choice. She chose us."

"He's right, Nik," Rebekah interrupted, prompting the vampires in the room to turn to the blonde as she held up one of the white oak stakes. "It's all right here. Right under our noses and we didn't even realize."

Klaus' blood boiled at the thought. A vampire hunter right under their noses and they never even realized it. Not only that, but he had also used Angel.

The thought of his daughter turned his attention away from the anger. His daughter, the person he had sworn to protect, had been the one to protect them. But it had cost her greatly, that much Klaus understood.

"I need to see her," Klaus turned to leave but was stopped when Kol sped in front of him to stop him.

"She's sleeping," Kol told his brother. "I think it's best not to wake her in her fragile state, at least not until we have this sorted out."

"I need to see her," Klaus repeated as he pushed Kol away harshly, allowing himself to focus solely on the anger.

"Kol has a point," Elijah interjected "Perhaps it's best if we let the girl rest for now."

Klaus scowled as he looked between his siblings, who all seemed to share the same opinion. He seemed to contemplate in his head a few moments before he disappeared, running out of the manor to somewhere none of the vampires quite knew as they were left behind.

The three vampires exchanged equally concerning glances with each other, knowing nothing good came from an emotional Klaus.

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