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Travis POV

After finding out that Larry heard me and Sal having sex really scared me. I thought he would tell all his friends and my dad would find out, but sal assured me that he wouldn't.I trusted that. part of me felt guilty after. I dont know why though. I enjoyed it, A lot. I just felt guilty after. But I couldn't let sal know that.


"Hey travy." " hey blue what's up?"  " that was. So nice."  I say. " I couldn't agree more" he said, as he kisses me lightly on the forehead. God was he amazing. He was all I ever wanted. I hope he didn't just hook up with me for the fun of it. God I can't think of that. But the thing I'm shocked most about is that he liked me back. I'm still hung up on that. " I love you Travis." " I love you too sally face..." after that we sat in silence for about 10 minutes. The silence was so loud. " sal? I was thinking, do you wanna maybe go on a date with me...." Did Travis just ask me out?! Omg." Fuck yea trav! I'd love to..." I say as I kiss him hard. He kisses back... I think I was in love with him. Like, I was falling- hard.

Travis POV

I asked Sal out on a date. I don't know why though. I loved him and all but- I'm still scared of my dad." So travy where are we gon go for the date....?" " uhhhhh I don't know yet I'd have to see." It was true. I had no idea where we should go. " hey I think I have an idea.!" Sal said excitedly. " prom is next week! Maybe we can go. Together." He said with love in his eyes. If I was being honest. I didn't want to go.I was scared. Terrified even. But I'd go for Sal. He was the light of my life."ok sure." I say hesitant as could be "thank you trav!" He said as he jumped into my arms-god was he sweet.

A/N sorry this chapter was short :/ I've been depressed lately so I haven't been writing much!

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