The airport

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Travis POV

I just landed in nockfell. I cant wait to see Sal. I'm really excited to see him. God I think I still love him. As soon as he texted back I was so happy. I missed him a lot. I just texted him to come to the airport. He said he's 10 minutes away. I'm still waiting for him.
[10 mins later]
I see Sal. "TRAVIS!" He yells as he runs to me and hugs me tightly. " SAL! Omg I missed u!" I say as I hug him back. " how have things been man? God I cant belive this." He said with a sparkle in his eye. "Good actually. My dad died so I was finnaly able to come back." I say nervously "god I'm so sorry abt that." " no need to be sorry. That prick controlled my life." " good point." God did I miss this loser. " how's collage?" " I'm in my last year and it has been rough. I'm majoring in psychology" damn-he is really successful. "Sal the psychologist huh? Good for u." " thank u trav. It's been hard though." God that stupid nickname. I got butterflies. "Trav-? U haven't called me that since high school. It's still just as cute." "Yea I missed calling u that. Now come on we have a long way home." He says as I follow him to the car.

(Time skip sorry lol)


We're finally at my place and Travis lays his bag by the front door. " god I missed this place. Is gizmo still alive?" " yes he is. I feel like that cat is immortal" I say as we both start laughing.
" I still can't belive ur going to be a's all so crazy." "Yea. I guess it is." I say as I hug him. God he still smells the same. I still love him. I know I shouldn't but I do. I really do.

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