Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Supernatural

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Pain was all she could feel.

Her back already hurt like hell from the thing from a few weeks ago, but this, this feels nothing like that.

Her veins on fire as red blood cells travel through her body. Her heart pumping, delivering the blood through her. Her body changing in ways a doctor can't even begin to fathom.

Her screams pierce the air, reaching the ears of three smug people with completions looking like porcelain. One male with pale skin and blond hair, the other male with darker skin and dreads and lastly the pale woman with fire red hair all rush through the woods at inhuman speeds.

Her screams of unimaginable pain gets the attention of another male as he walks through the woods of Texas. This one with bright golden eyes that shine out from his dark skin and short black hair. He creeps his way through the trees, heading to the origins of the screams. He recognizes those screams of pain as he has screamed them himself when he first turned.

He hides in the shadows when he sees a teenage girl writhing on the ground in pain. Her wavy blonde hair fanned out on the ground, collecting dead leaves and sticks. Her tannish skin sweating as she lets out another painful scream. Her clothes all dirty from laying on the ground.

He makes the executive decision to move closer to the poor girl. He sees the bite mark on her wrist and gently picks it up.

He attaches his mouth to it and starts to suck. The taste of iron red blood hitting his throat, quenching a thirst he will forever have.

The frenzy that should begin but doesn't.

Instead, he cleanses the blood from the venom traveling in her veins. He tries but some of the venom has already been soaked up by her body. He lets go of her wrist and gently picks up her limp body, feeling some marks on her back, and brings her back to her home.

The man with the golden eyes follows her scent back to a ranch and jumps over the fence. He sees a large two-story white house with the paint chipping off, giving it a cozy lived-in vibe. A porch wraps around the entire house with a few rocking chairs here and there. A golden retriever comes bounding in, standing over the land in a protective stance. The animal starts growling at the man holding the blonde girl.

He ignores the dog and walks towards some stables to see different horses in their respective spots. He lays the teenager down in a pile of hay and wait for her to turn. The dog curls up into the girl's arms and keeps glancing at the dark-skinned man, wary of him.

The sky turns into a dusty pink colour as the sun sets over the fields of the ranch. The man sits and waits for the girl to wake up. The man feels some sort of protectiveness over the young girl he saw. He doesn't know why but knows he will do anything for her. Like some sort of father figure would.

The man stays up all night as he doesn't need sleep as he doesn't need it, and openly stares out into the sunrise. His enhanced hearing picks up a small groan coming from the stables. He rushes over to see the dog already moving, giving its owner some space to get up.

The blonde teenager groggily opens her eyes to see the inside of her stables. She looks up to see a man towering over her. Out of instinct and fear she backs up, pressing her back up against the wall of the horse stables.

"I am not going to hurt you," the dark-skinned man assures, his African accent flowing in the air as he raises his hands. He notices her hazel eyes with flecks of gold, thanks to the venom in her system.

"You look like them, but without the eyes," the blonde girl says, her Texan accent coming through thickly. The dog senses her fear and growls at the man.

"I have some explaining to do. Do you mind if I sit down?" he cautiously asks, knowing she is scared.

The girl hesitantly nods her head and watches the man sit down across from her on the other side of the stable.

"My name is Jackson Harris and I am a vampire."

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A/N- So, what do y'all think? How was this for the first chapter? They will be longer, this was basically just an introduction to some ideas and people.

I need to come up with a cover. I shall use the internet for that as I am not that artistic.

Have fun reading and if I could get some feedback, that would be great.

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