synopsis/author's note

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Dedicated to those with broken souls. To those who have seen hardship way before they should have had to. Keep up the good fight, and here's to surviving another day.


s y n o p s i s

Not everyone sticks around for the long run. These kids know that better than anyone.

Finding the station was pure coincidence for each of them, as was finding each other, but they soon realized how lucky they were to have stumbled upon a half- buried treasure.

With the strong belief of the station attracting those who are broken, they take in Colleen Brigs, whom Foster Wayman came upon one night sitting alone drowning in her thoughts. They both had one thing on their minds that night, and that was suicide.


a u t h o r ' s n o t e

I'm so excited yet so terrified to start writing this. First, I have to tell you that this is going to be a heavy book. It will discuss topics such as suicide, bullying, and relationship conflicts. I will be the first to say that it is not for the faint of heart. Heck, I struggled while writing it.

With all of that said, I find it necessary to write. I feel they're very undermined and discredited as issues. I know there are books out there about these topics, but I want to put my two cents in on it because I have dealt with some of these issues before. I also really liked the idea of a bunch of random eighteen/nineteen year olds coming together based on one truth they all know so well.

Please keep an open heart and mind while reading this. Try to picture where everyone is coming from and just let yourself get lost in everyone's stories. It's written in an all-knowing perspective to (hopefully) help you do this.

While we're on the subject of POV, the perspective I've chosen to write in is a bit unique. It may seem like it's switching from past tense to present tense, but I promise it's only in past tense. It also may seem like it's written in third person, but it's not. I don't want to reveal who's perspective it's in until the end (even then I might not say), but I'd rather you try to figure it out.*

Finally, thank you for clicking on this story and choosing to take this journey with me. Feedback, comments, and votes are much appreciated.

*I realize, now that I'm almost done writing this story, that the POV is still one that I'm trying to fully figure out. Looking back on it now, I'm thinking it moved into first person (even though it most likely was in the beginning), but in the view of a very unconventional person. When revising, I will most definitely fix this confusion and make it more clear as to who is speaking, but for now, please bear with me (it shouldn't be too hard to figure out and gets better as the story goes on).


status [completed // editing]: March 2015-August 2015

playlist: station 429 on spotify (in the external link).

updates: Every Saturday (and, when I feel like it, Mondays).

*contains some cursing*


*All credit for the picture used as the cover goes to the photographer and anyone else who may be involved with it.*


Copyright © 2015 by Abby Mann

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

without the express written permission of the author

except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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