Chapter Ten

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You had lost count of how many times you had let yourself go on the toy, it was borderline pathetic how you couldn't get rid of the cramps and the burning because of your desire to be knotted. You removed the toy from your body and groaned in a mixture of pain, discomfort and anger. You began whimpering realising there was only your scent left in the room and it wouldn't help you get through your heat at all, in fact it was very stifling. You had two days left and not once had you contacted Tsuyu or Mina, they must be worried sick, or someone has informed them on your behalf but that wasn't important, the most important thing was to get rid of the cramps and desire that was consuming your body.

Not having anything else on your mind after another wave of heat is inflicted on your poor, exhausted body whilst you were begging, whimpering and wanting nothing more than to sleep, yet the growling in your stomach for food makes you question how long it was since you last ate.

Slowly getting yourself sat up and then stepped onto the floor, getting out of the bed, you made sure you were dressed. Then carefully walked into the kitchen, Hawk's house was so silent you could hear a pin drop and so, you assumed nobody was home. You were still fully clothed even though your body was on fire because you refused to walk around the house indecently, it would be unfair on Hawks, he's trying so hard not to do anything and you shouldn't provoke him. Instincts end up causing a lot of problems for everyone anyway if they're not kept under a tight lock and key.

You grabbed some packet noodles, a glass of juice and a couple of cookies. You ate as quickly as possible as you didn't know where Hawks would be and if he walked in on you eating it would be a nuisance for the both of you, you because he's literally your boss and it's unprofessional to want him to fuck you senseless, and him because it would be a liability. Let's not forget you still think he looks like a cannibal.

You finished eating and were cleaning just as Hawks walked back into the room. Usually you would've sensed him or at least smelt him, so maybe he was using scent blockers in order to avoid provoking you further, you appreciated this immensely because he was keeping you comfortable in his own home. You'd have to repay him somehow, maybe take him out for drinks, or just get him lunch whilst at work.

"Are you alright?" He asked cautiously, he seemed as though he was forcing his voice to be less masculine, it was more childlike, so when you started giggling because he sounded like a schoolboy he began to blush and looked away.

"What's wrong birdie? You upset about sounding like an immature, horny schoolboy without self control?" You teased, it was such a bad idea, but it was so good at the same time.

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