Chapter Six

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Your shift was finally over, you could go back home to see of Mina and Tsu had eaten your food. If they did you would yell at them, but not aggressively, you loved them too much for that, with your headphones on, you were oblivious to the people sneaking up behind you. You only realised when they grabbed your shoulder and stopped you.

"Hey little lady, where are you going?" One of the voices called whilst the others just laughed.

"Bold of you to assume I'm a lady." Their faces fell until one of them spoke up..

"Well I guess we have to find out for ourselves seeing as we can't be certain."

"Awh my dick is twice the size of yours, maybe it's your turn to play the submissive part..?" You cooed at them, obviously angering them quite a lot, fragile masculinity really becomes common on a Friday night.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Your hair was pulled so that you were face to face with the culprit.

"I think I'm Doja Cat, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Rihanna, Cupcakke and Cardi B's secret love child. A boss bitch, material gworl if you like. Who do you think you are?"

"Well, I'm the person that's going to give you my pups. These fellas are just here to watch."

"Do you have a humiliation kink or are you just in need of a good kick in?" You smirked to yourself , knowing full well he was one of the men that was associated with the mass of sexual assault crimes. His grip on your hair was tightened and you were now cornered between the wall and the man, you were a little afraid but it wasn't the worst situation you had ever been in, Mina broke your leg once and you couldn't walk for a few months, you were scared but if your witty comments kept up then you would be fine, hopefully.

"Your dick is probably smaller than my toe, I know full well you have no idea where the clitoris is, you're also against abortion which is quite ironic, seeing as you're one of the causes of it."

"What the fuck are you on?"

"If you even think, you're going to do anything to me you have another thing coming, I have trackers placed on me and I'm working for pro hero's, I also pressed a panic button, meaning they should be here any minute now, prepare to go to jail I guess."

The man just got more aggressive and aggravated, yet you couldn't stop, you were so close to getting loosened from his death grip.

"I, personally think that consent is pretty important. What about you? What's your opinion on consent? Oh, let me guess... you don't know what that is. Pretty shameful to say you're living in the 21et century."

"For someone so pretty you do say some awful stuff. I'll get you to shut up though."

"Ouch, I don't want your objectification and male gaze opinion on my face. I am not a sexual object, please refrain from calling me pretty again thank you very much."

"We should leave. She's obviously crazy and as she said, one of the heroes is going to be here soon, this isn't worth it at all." One of the men further back said.

"You should listen to him." You spat on the man's face, "Getting caught sure would be a shame." You pouted.

"Crazy is how I like them, plus where is this pro hero? I don't see one at all. I say you're just bluffing"

"I don't bluff sweetie. Now, please refrain from putting your greasy fingers in my hair that I literally washed yesterday."

"We should get out of here. We're going to be caught and I don't wanna go back inside."

"Nah she'll be fine to do what I want with."

"EXCUSE ME DO YOU MIND NOT FUCKING INTERRUPTING ME WHILST I SPEAK!? Honestly so fucking rude. I'm leaving now, fuck off. Go find someone else who's willing to have your pups. Key word: Willing. Consent matters dickwad."

You were slammed into the wall again and your clothes were starting to be removed in a hurry.

"Let her go."

"Or what?"

"You face a long prison sentence, huge fines and a criminal record."

You internally groaned. Once again, Hawks had come to save an Omega. You swore he could smell when they were in distress. At least, you had been let go and could put some clothes back on and regain your decency. Who were you kidding? What decency do you have left anyway? Hawks ended up tying the man and all his accomplices up. Your back hurt from when you were thrown into the wall but nothing could be done about it until you got home. You sighed, catching the hero's attention.

"Are you ok Ma'am?" He asked, his voice deep and husky. Attractive, but not what you wanted.

"Just peachy, not like I nearly just got assaulted or thrown into a wall. Can I go home now? I want to go eat ice cream and chill on my couch."

"You really aren't phased by the fact you almost got marked and forced to have pups?"

"I wouldn't have pups. I take pills, I also wear three metal marking prevention collars. I also take hormone suppressants. I have no reason to be worried. Sure, my back hurts from being slammed into the wall twice, but I'll be fine. I'm not a two year old."

He looked taken aback, he was then lost . Then nodded his head in understanding.

"As a hero it's my duty to protect people in the city. So, I'm walking you home even if you don't want me to."

"Cool, I'll see you on the news sometime." You knew you would see him at work but it didn't matter. He wouldn't recognise you again so you would be fine. Then you walked off, albeit limping due to your back pain, but walking nevertheless. You tried to distance yourself from him but sadly, he followed you and managed to keep up with you.

"Fuck off man. If I wanted an escort I'd have asked for one. I'm not scared, damn it, just leave me alone."

"I read your files at work. You're a different person when you type and when you speak Y/n."

"Ok? Did I ask for that opinion?"

Silence. You huffed and turned around, facing him and his cocky smirk.

"What exactly are you benefiting from walking me home right now? What could you possibly need from me?"

"There's a few things I need from you."

"Like what?" You were obviously getting perplexed by the fact that one of the cockiest humans alive wasn't leaving you alone.

"The first thing I need is the reason why you want me to go away so badly and why you always hide when I come to pick up a file." He stepped closer to you as you instinctively took a step back.

"The second thing is, why did you lie about all the prevention you take? You only wear one marking prevention collar, you aren't on the pill to prevent pups and you certainly aren't taking hormone suppressants."

You sighed knowing there was no way to avoid his questions. Then you felt your heat coming. The cramping was back, the intense heat in your stomach. Your face flushed red.

"Y/n, are you ok?" He came closer but you swatted his hands away.

"I'm need to leave... before you get dragged into my heat " You panted out.

"Oh shit, I can't leave you here though."

"Just go."

"If I leave you, someone else will come and try to claim you. You won't be able to resist it like you did before."

You groaned out in pain and frustration. Then you felt your feet being lifted off of the ground. Strong arms were wrapped around your body and you were clutching onto a jacket.

Hawks was flying.

"Why the fuck are you flying with me in your arms?"

"So you don't get raped for God's sake, Y/n."

"Fine." Your heat had started to hit harder now. You were panting heavier, the heat was worse and breathing in Hawks' scent was making everything worse for you.

"Y/n, don't worry, I'm getting you home."

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