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Important note- I am abandoning this book. Sorry for this, but this will be the last chapter.

Barry was currently in his apartment. He had come to National City on a mission.  It was three days ago when Team Flash got an Unknown Audio message. 

3 days ago, Central City

Cisco called in an emergency team meeting when he received a coded message with an audio file attached. 

Barry: " Cisco, What is it?" Barry asked as he entered the cortex with the rest of the team. 

Cisco: " S.T.A.R Labs satellite intercepted a coded audio message."

Barry: " Play it."

Cisco obliged and played the message on the screens.

" Flash, this is Hank Henshaw of the DEO, and I need your help. A threat is coming ..."

The message goes on. 

Present Day, 8:30 am Barry's apartment.

The doorbell of Barry's apartment rings as he drowsily wakes up from the bed( shirtless, oops ) and goes to open the door. 

As he opens the door, He sees a beautiful woman dressed formally. 

" AHH!!" Kara screeches and turns around. 

" Who is it?" Barry asks, rubbing his eyes. As the dust in his eyes clear, he figures out that the woman is Kara.

" Kara?" He asks as she turns around.

" What- What are you doing so early in the morning?"

Kara tries to keep herself from blushing red and replies

" Early, Barry, it's 8:30. You're supposed to be at work in another 15 minutes. Ms. Grant would kill me if you were late since you're my responsibility for the next few weeks."

Barry notices her cheeks.

" Why are your cheeks red?" 

" Just get ready!!" Kara hisses as Barry closes the door and gets ready. She couldn't control her blush as she turned around.


" Oh sorry"                                                                                                                                                                                 " My bad"                                                                                                                                                                                    " Sorry"  

Barry apologizes as he keeps bashing into people at CatCo

Barry:" So what do I need to do today, boss."

" First, stop calling me boss, and second, we need to find a way to interview someone."

" Who do we need to interview?"

" We'll talk in my office," Kara whispers as Barry obliges

" You mean our office," Barry teasingly says as Kara turns around, giving him a scary look.

" You-your office, sorry."


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