Invasion Part 3

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Kara flew as she pondered about everything happening around her. 

Mon-El loved her, or that's what Kara thought, but he never said the phrase " I love you," but that doesn't mean anything- right?

Kara was starting to feel everything around her breaking down. 

Her career was not in the best place, but she had a chance to redeem herself because Ms. Grant gave her a task that could skyrocket her career. Of course, it wasn't simple; she had to interview the Flash. Of all the superheroes she could choose, it had to be him. She just didn't like him. 

Alex would call it true jealousy, but Kara won't accept it. Barry promised her to contact the Flash and get him for the interview. 

Speaking of Barry, this guy came in just a few days ago, and he already started taking his place in her life by working with her and living right next door. He was quite different from the boys she met. 

Everybody in her office had tried to hit on her multiple times, and yet, they failed, well, everyone except Mon-El. Mon-el and Kara had dated for 3 weeks now, and Kara wanted to make their relationship more serious, but Mon-el had no intention, by the looks of it.

Barry was the first man she met who didn't start hitting on her. He was a timid guy. He always crashed into someone. He was cute, and- Kara was snapped out of her trance when Alex speaks through the comms. 

" Kara, can you hear me?" Alex asked as Kara replies.

"Yeah, I can. Loud and clear. What's going on there? Has everyone arrived?" Kara asked. She found out about the meeting and the Invasion only a few days ago. Her mind flashed back to when she first found out.

Flashback, DEO headquarters

Alex: " Is the Time bureau or the DoD going to help us?" 

Hank: " The Time Bureau is busy with you-know-who, and the DoD already has enough to deal with after what happened recently. We may receive help from ARGUS, but other than that, we're on our own. But I have planned something. I have sent a message to a select group of heroes and vigilantes. Some haven't responded, but with the world's fate hanging in the balance, it's safe to say that they care. Appelaxians are a mighty race-" Hank is interrupted by Kara, who suddenly asks a question.

"Appelaxians? We are facing Appelaxians!!!?" Kara says in shock.

"Kara, do you know anything about them?"  Alex asks as Kara blanks out.

Flashback, the second one, Krypton- 4 years before its destruction

Oh, fuck, Disney's gonna kill me. You idiot!!! Why did you bring me here? I can't watch Green Lantern all over again, although him having Ryan Reynold's face helps. Oh, hey there guys, I didn't see you here. Oops, I barged into a flashback, didn't I? And now I broke the fourth wall, wait no, We're in a flashback of a flashback. That's 4*4 walls- That's like 16 WALLS!! I need to get back to getting a cameo of Hugh Jackman on Deadpool 3, so I'll see you guys later. And enjoy this fucking book cause I don't care what the fuck happens to it.

Now the real flashback.

Alura- The Appelaxians cannot be forgiven Zor-El!!We must do something!!"

Alura says, screaming at Zor-el, who sits calmly on a chair in their house.

A 9-year-old Kara comes and asks them something.

Kara: " Mom, Dad, what are you doing?" She asks in Kryptonesse.

"Nothing, sweety. You can go to bed." 

"No, tell me." 

" We're just talking about some monsters who capture children who don't go to bedfast. " Alura says, laughing. 

" Mom, that won't work; tell me the truth."

Zor-el volunteers and starts explaining the Appelaxians to her. Kara was mature enough to understand this even though she was very young. 

Zor-el: " The appelaxians are a race of -"Zor-el starts.

DEO headquarters, Flashback one

Kara continues repeating what Zor-el told her all those years ago.

" Mindless people controlled by one single ruler. Their goal is to conquer every single planet in the solar system, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal." Kara ended as Alex and Hank looked at her and thought about the threat with concern.

END FLASHBACK( You might think this flashback is useless, but it isn't)

Kara comes back from her trance as she hears Alex from the comms.

Alex: "-Ra, Kara, Kara, can you hear me?" Alex asks as Kara replies

" Ya, I can. What were you saying before?"

Alex: "The heroes arrived and left. Only a few of them are still here. You have to hurry if you want to meet the rest of them." Alex says as Kara rushes to the headquarters.

Kara: "Copy that"


Los Angeles, Lux, Den of Sin

Oliver knocks at the club's door as a man dressed in a trench coat appears with his hands around two ladies.

Bruce: "Is this him?" Bruce asks as Oliver replies.

Oliver: "I'm afraid so." 

" So, the other day, I was traveling through time with these idiots, and we-" He stops as he sees Oliver.

Oliver: "Hello, John," Oliver says.

"You gals go; I'll meet you later," He says in a British accent as the girls leave.

" What are you doing here, mate?" He asks as he sets his tie right.

Bruce: " We need your help," Bruce says as John asks. 

John Constantine: "We haven't met yet. John Constantine," He says, offering his hand. Bruce shrugs it off, and John resumes his conversation with Oliver.

Oliver: " It's important, John. The world is at stake here ." Oliver says as the man's face turns dull. He mutters something inaudible.

'Oh bullocks' 



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