13. Jade's Poisoned Tale

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" Don't look at him . Just , don't look at him . He is doing this to provoke a reaction from you . " She chanted this statement in her mind for what seemed like the umpteenth time .

Finding herself trapped in this situation everyday , she had by this point developed the ability to live with his creepy observant eyes on her . She was well acquainted with the scorching way his piercing predatory gaze would drill holes in her. But by the grace of God , since the violent incident in the library , Jade Wester hadn't caused any further havoc in her life .

All he did was to follow her in the campus like a shadow , distracting her with his unsettling stares during her lectures and lunch , and occasionally when she took a leave he would resort to cornering her to a wall the next day she would arrive to stare at her with his same creepy unsettling gaze until he was satisfied or shall I say satisfied for the time being to let the scared girl leave for her class.

The Wester brothers were well known faces in the University of Sydney because of two fundamental factors . First being their father's money and the other being their hereditary temper . Breaking bones , de-structuring faces , plucking nails were among the daily incidents reported . The duo never hesitated to exploit their father's status and power to silence those who raised their voices against them .

Although the brothers never discriminated in bullying and tormenting their victims , they did seem to have a special preference towards people of color .The cause behind their this sadistic interest in tormenting brown people was said to be their father. Now , there is no guarantee about these gossips and hearsay being true and authentic , but it is said that the now racist Mr. Wester ( Jade's father ) once fell in love with a Somalian girl on his business trip to Africa. Elna was her name. His fixation with Elna was rumoured to be so deep and unhealthy that he was ready to give up his pure white lineage and a perfectly secured marriage to mate with her.

The tragedy however being that the woman of his dreams didn't end up reciprocating his feelings . Even after immense convincing , pursing her with expensive luxury gifts , and a dose of abduction threats here and there , she still didn't gave into his sinister demands .

Ultimately , she became a victim of the toxic infatuation of the Wester man when he chose to resort to his twisted ways to get her.

People in the town say he ended up trapping her poverty stricken family in his debt traps and illegally bought her as his slave . Triumphant, he brought her to Australia where she served as his mistress for the next fifteen years . Some say after those fifteen long years of enduring his animalistic mania , the unfortunate girl had committed suicide while some say that she can still be found caged in a chamber located directly beneath the Wester Residence where her pleas and prayers of freedom still go unheard .

Anyways , Love ruined him . Established as one of the most ruthless yet successful stake holders in the Australian share market , he was still deprived of peace and serenity in his life .Even now , the sight of a woman with brown skin ignites his heart with the flames of unfulfilled love .

This cunning fire of obsession -wild , passionate and unrequited was what pushed him to inflict such atrocities on people who belonged to the community of his lover . The crazed heartbroken man enjoyed inflicting agony on every single brown person that crossed his path , as a revenge from Elna for not wanting him back . Every cry for help and mercy was like a payback for Elna's rejection of him .

He made sure his children learned to protect their hearts from such bewitching woman from the very start. He trained them by describing how privileged they were to belong to the superior white lineage , the blood running in their veins was pure . He painted brown skin in a negative light by quoting that such people were demonic and evil . They were capable of enchanting and poisoning souls and how bravely he survived the approaches of one such cursed woman who had nearly pushed him to the brink of insanity .

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