17. The Maniac Lovers

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"Your doe could easily become an object of Hyde's twisted fascination."

The streets blurred past as Chase drove recklessly, his heart pounding in his chest still stuck at Ryan's warning.

"Piya," Chase gritted through clenched teeth, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel.

The thought of anyone daring to lay a hand on his Piya fueled the flames of his fury.The traumatic memories of Mary, his caretaker back in Russia, surged through his mind, intensifying his anger.

The image of Mary, her innocence tainted by Dimitri's vile desires, fueled his obsession to protect Piya at all costs.

With each passing moment, Chase's anger grew, consuming him like a raging inferno.

The mere thought of Piya being in danger fueled his obsession to the point of madness.

"No one touches what's mine,"

He growled, his voice laced with menace. The fury burning in his eyes reflected the depths of his obsession, driving him to push the limits of his sanity.

With a screech of tires, Chase skidded to a stop in front of his luxurious penthouse. His hands trembled as he fumbled for his keys, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The fear of whether he will find Piya inside gripped him like a vice as he rushed towards the entrance.

Finally reaching the door to their penthouse, Chase's hands shook as he inserted the key and pushed it open. The sight that greeted him made his blood run cold - the door was unlocked, a glaring sign that something was terribly wrong.

"Piyaaa!" he shouted, his voice raw with desperation. But the silence that greeted him was deafening.

He searched every room, his movements erratic. But there was no sign of Piya, no trace of her presence anywhere.

Fury bubbled up inside him, mingling with his fear, his mind raced with irrational thoughts, each one more terrifying than the last.

What if Piya had left him? What if she didn't want to be with him anymore?

Driven by madness and desperation, Chase tore through the apartment, overturning furniture and smashing objects in his frantic search for Piya. His obsession with finding her consumed him, blinding him to reason and logic.

And yet, during the chaos of his own making, a small voice whispered in the depths of Chase's mind - a voice that sounded like Piya's, pleading for him to stop, to come back to himself.

But Chase was beyond reason now, lost in the depths of his own madness.

As his obsession with Piya reached its peak, his mind became a dark gulf of twisted desires.

Sights of Piya locked away in a basement, chained to his bed, or even better with a swollen belly carrying his babies filled his thoughts, each scenario more sinister than the last.

"I'll make her mine, completely and utterly," Chase muttered to himself, his voice dripping with malice as he imagined Piya at his mercy, her freedom stripped away by his possessive grip.

"I'll keep her hidden away from the world, where no one else can have her," Chase growled, his hands clenching into fists as he fantasized about locking Piya away in an imaginary basement , ensuring that she would never leave his side again.

"I won't let anyone else touch her," Chase snarled, his mind consumed by thoughts of possessiveness and control. "She's mine, and mine alone."

With each passing moment, Chase's dark fantasies grew more obscene and vulgar, his desire to possess Piya overriding any sense of morality or decency.

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