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A time capsule of all things,

what the hell does (Y/n) even WANT to put in the time capsule? He's already died once, will he even make it to 12 years from now?

"You're overthinking again" Izana smiled fondly as he watched the (h/c)-ette's grumble a little.

"I just can't figure out what to put in that damn time capsule the others are doing. . ." (Y/n) sighed, dropping his shoulders forward as he looked out the window ". . . and I've got a koala on me"

It's been a few days now since he was reincarnated back into this life, which also meant he had gotten situated back in Giichi and Kei's house after a very emotional slap to the face from Giichi and a suplex from Kei.

Both cried and clinged to him as (Y/n) rubbed his cheek and back from getting thrown around like a hot potato, the friends both thankful for his recovery and for agreeing to the doctor's suggestion to try and keep him connected a little longer to life support.

The school welcomed him back as classmates huddled him in hugs and welcomes as some cried and others sighed in relief that their senpai was safe.

Hina had bursted into tears when she saw him again, he was back, the older she looked up to.

Kakucho's reaction to him being alive was similar to Giichi's, a god hard pinch to his cheek as Kakucho broke down into tears and clung to him. Refusing to let go of him, even while they took the elevator to Izana's room. . .

Meeting Kakucho happened earlier today when they ran into each other.,

so currently (Y/n) had Kakucho still clinging to him, hugging him from behind as Izana laughed.

"I guess you do have a koala on you" Izana agreed, eyeing Kakucho who huffed out a breath and hid his face into (Y/n)'s jacket in embarrassment to the teasing "Don't call me a koala"

"So I can't call you my koala?" (Y/n) hummed as he watched Kakucho process the words before scowling a with little firm 'No' as his reply "I'm not a damn koala"

"Geez, I'm just trynna lighten your salty mood" (Y/n) hummed, peering over his shoulder to see Kakucho sticking his bottom lip out in complaint, not a single word leaving him so he wouldn't prove the medic's point about him being salty.

"If you're struggling to chose an item to put in the time capsule, why don't you just write a letter and put something random in the box to get it over with?" Izana suggested, it wasn't the brightest idea but it made sense atleast.

(Y/n) wanted to add something important to the time capsule though incase anything happened to him in the future. . . maybe he'd just leave a letter, that'd make more sense than anything than leaving a rock and a letter.

Imagine them all reading the letter and panicking about the rock that might have a secret meaning when really, (Y/n) just picked it up from the sidewalk.

Yeah, just the letter sounded good.

"How's Emma been doing?" (Y/n) spoke up, making Izana hum "The doctors told me that she should wake up anytime now that her injury has fully healed and all previous future damage has been prevented by you helping her out in time"

". . . That's good to hear. . ." (Y/n) was relieved to hear that Emma's state has been doing better.

After the Tenjiku incident, Izana stepped down as the leader along with the rest of the executives, taking on the role to try and be a better brother to both Emma and Mikey while he helped in the dojo when he was allowed out of the hospital. Things were still bumpy between Izana and Mikey, but. . . they both seemed much better in comparison to before.

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