I lost my voice

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I stood there in the dark, not knowing what just happened. Am I dead? Did I faint or something? Is everyone okay? Was this just a power out?

I didn't know any of the answers so I just closed my eyes as if it wasn't dark already, and tried to forget about what's happening. After a minute or so I felt someone really close to me, keep in mind I was in the front so I got scared to think that it was one of the guards. I then heard a whisper in my ear saying,

"Come with me."

I was then carried over the metal bars that happen to separate us from our heroes and was grabbed by the hand and lead to somewhere. It was still pitch black so I didn't know who the hell this person was. The lights then turned on the crowd screamed again. I couldn't see what was happening on stage but I could hear. I wondered if cas was worried about where I had gone, I tried to look out into the crowd and saw her as she saw me. The worried look on her face washed away in seconds, then turn into confusion and lastly ended off fangirling.

"Tada! Bet we scared you guys. We are My Chemical Romance! Thank you for coming out tonight!"

Then they got off stage and there he was, right in front of me. Everything about him changed yet stayed the same. I looked in his eyes and didn't say a word and neither did him. We were then interrupted by a short man named frank.

"Hey G. who is th..."

By the time he saw my face he knew exactly who I was. We didn't say a word to each other either. He just grabbed me into a warm hug. I didn't want to let go. I missed all of these guys.

Frank having a big month and can control excitement shouted out, "Hey guys look! It's Scarlet!"

Bob, Ray and Mikey all came to where we were and stared at me. Mikey hugged me first, very gently. Then ray gave me a hug short and simple but with a lot of care. And then Bob hugged me like a bear, warm and cozy. Yah I miss these guys a lot. So much that I forgotten how much they truly mean to me.

"This is great! Say hang out with us later. Bring a friend if you want." Frank suggested. I was shy to say anything so I just nodded to the idea, cas is going to flip.

All four of then went backstage leaving me and Gerard alone. We still didn't hug, talk or anything, just stared into each other's eyes. Out of nowhere a tear spilled out from my eye, but Gerard just wiped it away and engulfed me into the biggest hug ever. We didn't let go for 5 minutes. No words were needed at all at this moment.

There were still loud chants and yells that I couldn't think straight at the moment, so he led me outside.

Gaining the guts I spoke up first, "I missed you.... So much"

Instead of him saying anything he just hugged me tighter, then... began to cry. Why was he crying? I know it's been super long since we seen each other, but I didn't think he would cry so much. I tried to pull away to talk to him..


But he just held on, not budging to let go. I tried to push him of with more force this time.


He just looked at me. And I looked at him and I didn't know what the hell took over me but I grabbed his face and leaned in as he began to do the same.

Was this really happening!? What the fuck am i doing right now? I wanted to stop it but at the same time I didn't. But something did.

"Hey guys are you ready?" It was Frank and his innocent soul didn't see a thing. I cleared my throat as if this moment was not awkward and said,

"Y-yah. I think so."

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