Part twenty-three, "Lovey-dovey klunk"

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As the hours pass by, you're almost fully consumed with boredom until you realize how little sleep you got while in the Maze. The sun doesn't look as if it'll be setting any time soon, but you try to make yourself as comfortable on the hard floor as possible. Somehow you find sleep- or rather it finds you.

Unfortunately, later that day you figure out you have trouble adjusting back to your old sleep schedule once it's messed up. The sun starts to set and you don't feel tired at all. You let out a long groan and grip the bars of the window, wishing you could stick your head out to see where Alby is. You spot all the Gladers gathering to have dinner, and realize you haven't eaten in over twenty-four hours.

"Ugh, is Alby trying to starve us?" You let go of the window and slump onto the floor dramatically. "How nice of him."

"I'm tellin' ya, Alby is a-"

"Nice guy," you grumble, interrupting Newt. "You can say that all you want, it's not gonna change my mind."

Newt shrugs and apparently takes a mental note not to argue with you anymore. You're relieved- you don't like to fight with him. You lie down once more and close your eyes, wanting to get some rest if not sleep. It doesn't work, so you stand up, leaning against the wall. You see that Newt is doing the same thing. You zone out of reality, thinking of everything and yet nothing.

"Y/n?" Newt murmurs presently, slightly startling you.


"Sorry I yelled at you."

"Huh?" You try to think back and remember when he got mad.

"In the Maze. Right after the bloody Doors closed. I didn't mean it, I was angry and I didn't think we'd make it out and-"

"It's fine, don't worry about it," you reply, thouroughly flattered by his apology. There's a long silence. Then you glance up at him. "I think you should have been mad. I- I broke one of the rules. I'm sorry too." You shock yourself by walking across the small floor and suddenly hugging him; the first time you show any sort of affection to any of the Gladers. Newt seems just as surprised as you, but doesn't hesitate before hugging you back.

"Aww, that's so sweet," an unmistakable voice from just outside the window says.

You pull away quickly and jerk your head to see the dumb shank who let you break the rule and therefore got Newt and you in big trouble.

"Minho!" you exclaim. "How-"

"Slim it, Y/n, I've been here long enough to hear you two apologize to each other and lovingly embrace," he says.

"Shut up," you say, but you can barely control your laughter. You glance back at Newt and the look on his face is too much; you burst out laughing. The boys join in, but soon you become serious again.

"Has Alby decided on anything yet?" Newt asks nervously.

Minho shakes his head slowly, and your heart sinks. "He did say you two would most likely have to be Banished."

Your throat seems dry suddenly. You swallow hard, trying to say something, anything. "W- What?"

"The whole thing's got him creeped out. First a girl comes up the Box, looking all- no offense- murderous, with another dead guy. Then she breaks one rule, and Newt breaks two. Anyway, if you ain't Banished, you'll have to step down from your magnificent title of second in command," finishes Minho.

"You broke two rules?" you ask Newt, but he asks Minho, "Who'll be in my place, then?" first.

Minho takes a deep breath. "Gally."

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