Chapter 1 • ١

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10 years ago

“Ready or not, here I come!”

Soft laughter erupted from around us as the others rushed to their hiding spots, not having realised that Minho had already counted up to a hundred.

“Are you sure that is a good spot to hide? It seems a bit obvious,” Céleste asked, peeking through the vines.

“That’s the whole point! It is obvious, which is exactly why he won’t think to look here. We are definitely winning this time! Here, look at Woo,” I said, pointing to Wooyoung who had hidden behind a lamp, “now that’s what you call obvious! He isn’t even bothered to try!”

Sure enough, Wooyoung was the first person that Minho caught. One by one, Minho found everyone else, leading them to the centre of the garden before commencing his search for us. Céleste and I held on to each other with bated breath as he prowled around the garden, drawing closer and closer to our hiding spot. 

“Minho, if you don’t find the girls in 15 seconds, the game is finished and they win!” Chan called out.

“Yeah, and then you’ll be a loser!” Wooyoung added, still annoyed at being found first.

“Shut up Woo,” Minho chuckled and spun around to face the others. “I know what I’m doing, unlike the rest of you. Now, where oh where could they be?”

“Ten seconds, Minho,” Chan said unimpressed.

Minho pouted. “What’s the rush big bro? Got more important places to be?”

“Five, four, three-”

“And what do we have here?” Minho asked, pulling back the vines, revealing our hiding place. “Two little ladies convinced they would win?”

“What-we were so close to winning this time!” I exclaimed as he held up his hand to help Céleste down. “You have to be cheating! How do you always manage to find us at the last minute?”

“Little Essy, I’ve told you time and time again, I will always find you,” he replied cockily as he helped me down, “you can’t win against me.”

“Don’t you dare think for one second that just because you’re a regis filius I won’t fight you, you nincompoop-”

“Guys, guys! Stop with the fighting, you know it upsets the kids.” Chan glared at us accusingly as Hyunjin hid behind his leg and Céleste moved to pick up Felix.

“Aww boys I’m so sorry, could you ever forgive me?” I asked, making exaggerated sad faces. Felix giggled and nodded as his face beamed brightly. Hyunjin, however, looked me straight in the eye and whispered, “Never.”

“Hyunjin!” I gasped. “Whatever could I do to make you forgive me?” I asked as I got down to his level and booped his nose, making him giggle.

“Cuddles and kisses? You always give loads to Felix but not enough to me…,” Hyunjin peered up at me through his long hair.

“Cuddles and kisses it is then!” I agreed as I picked him up, “is there anything else that you’d like?”

“Show me how to make flower crowns please? I want to make one for Mother, and you know how to make them the best,” he asked while playing with my hands.

“Cuddles, kisses and flower crown lessons for one little cutie coming right up!” I said, smothering his face with little pecks as he giggled.

“Hey, where are my cuddles and kisses?”asked Minho, throwing his arm over my shoulder. “Do I not get any?”

Hyunjin and Felix’s faces broke out into looks of disgust while Wooyoung and Mingi started screeching the sitting in a tree song at the top of their lungs.

“Children!” my mother’s voice rang across the garden as she stood in the archway, “what is the meaning of all this noise?”

“Apologies Ducissa Sofia,” said Chan. “I thought that we could play a game to keep the children entertained before lessons, but they got a bit too excited.”

My mother smiled fondly at Chan. “Look at you, already talking like a mini king.” She murmured, stroking his cheek. “Well children, unfortunately it is time for your lessons now.”

Grumbling, we slowly got up. Chan started organising everyone together until Mother stopped him.

“Actually Chan,” she paused, looking at him cautiously, “you and Minho won’t be joining us for lessons this week. You’re to go to see your uncle in his study. He’ll be teaching you this week. Your other uncles will also be joining when necessary.”

Chan’s face turned ashen. “No, not yet,” he stuttered, “Appa told me we still had some time before we-”

“Chan!” Mother cut him off. “What is one thing that your appa has always told you about a King’s power?”

“That a true king knows when he can no longer exert his power and should comply,” Chan muttered, his face downcast.

“But Ducissa,” Minho intervened, moving away from me, “you don’t understand, Appa promised-”

“Promised that he would try Minho.” Mother sighed, turning towards him. “Your Appa promised that he would try, and he held fast to his promise. But there are things even kings cannot avoid. You knew this day would come, mea regis filius.”

“Mother,” I said, feeling tense, “what’s going on?”

“What’s the matter?” Céleste piped up. “Are the boys being punished? If they don’t want to go to have lessons with Pa I will!”

“I go with Ciel!” Felix spoke up, clinging onto Céleste’s neck.

“Meae deliciae, please calm down. Here, gather around. It seems we are in need of a little addition to your nobilitatis lesson.” Mother spoke up, going to sit on a bench. We followed, sitting around her entranced.

“Now, who here is the future Rex?”

Mingi’s hand shot up, “Chan hyung, Ducissa Sofia!”

Mother ruffled his hair.

“Well done Mingi, smart boy! Now, who can tell me who his Imperator will be?”

“Oh me, me!” Hyunjin jumped up on my lap. “Channie hyung’s imperator is Minho hyung!”

“Correct sweetheart! Look at you all paying attention! Now, does anyone know what tradition is for a Rex and his Imperator?

No one? Well, many generations ago, Kings across the world agreed that the first born and second princes would be sent to a special school when they were considered old enough. Chan is already of age, and Minho is about to be. This week, they have lessons with Seonghwa so that he can prepare them. Yunho and Yeosang will assist him when needed. From next week, they leave to go to school."

My heart dropped at her words.

»»————- ♔ ————-««
hello everyone, it's your girl elle ~

so it's been so long since I've done any type of creative writing that my brain is stuck in essay mode

i feel like I could have better buuuuut it is the first chapter and that is the beauty of editing!

also I need recommendations on who can play the queen (somebody unproblematic pls)

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