Chapter 2 • ٢

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"No!" I bursted out. "No-they can't go! Not now!"

"Alas habibti, they must go. It has been a tradition for years, and it is not one that will end any time soon," Mother said, coming to stroke my hair, "but do not fret, for they will be back."

"In how much time?" I asked, looking up at her through teary eyes.

My mother sighed as she sat back down on the bench, looking solemn. "They will be gone for a while, maybe up to ten years but hopefully they will be back sooner-"

"But you don't understand!" I protested. "Any length of time is far too long! Min-Minho promised he would-" I quickly cut myself off, but it was too late.

"Minho promised? What did Minho promise you, Esther?" Mother looked at me inquisitively. She raised my head up to face her, but I kept my eyes firmly on the ground. "You do not want to tell me? As you wish then, I shall ask the promise maker himself!" She said, walking towards Minho.

"So, Minho? What is it that you promised my daughter?"

"Well, Ducissa Sofia, you see," Minho started nervously, looking at me, "earlier this week, Esther-"

"I asked him to teach me how to hide properly!" I shouted. Running forward and grabbing her hand, I told her, "Minho always finds me when we're playing hide and seek. Every time we play hide and seek, I get closer and closer to winning, but Minho always finds me! I just wanted him to teach me how to hide better!"

Mother pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed as she turned to me. "Really Esther?" She said, looking down on me. "All of this nonsense over a childish game? You should know better at your age. Try to behave more like a proper lady. Some promises are meant to be broken anyways."

"No- Ducissa Sofia," Minho intervened, "what happened is that-"

"I am sorry" I cut him off, meeting my mother's gaze with a cool glare, "for any offence and shame that I have caused you, Ducissa. I will make sure to conduct myself as my station demands in the future."

Mother flinched at my words before getting on her knees before me. "Habibti," she started, "you don't need to talk to me like that, okay? You know I would never hurt you." She once again reached for my face, but I defiantely looked away, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"You just said promises are meant to be broken, Mother. How can I trust that you'll keep yours?"

She sighed as she got up and started walking back towards the palace. "Come along now children," she called, "we've got a busy day ahead of us."

"Essie, are you okay?" Céleste asked as the others gathered around me.


"Alright everyone inside! I'll take care of little Essie here, okay?" Minho said.

"Minho, you'd better not make things any worse." Chan warned him, Felix now clinging onto him tightly.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." Minho said, walking towards me before Céleste stood in his way. Taking a deep breath, he held out his pinky and told her, "I promise, she'll be fine. I'll just calm her down and then she'll join the rest of you, okay?"

Céleste scrutinised his face before locking her pinky around his. "Okay then, but I swear if I see her come to lessons with any fresh tears, you're a dead man Park."

Minho laughed and ruffled her braids. "I wouldn't dream of it shorty. Now off you go, don't keep Ducissa Sofia waiting too long." He said, shooing them away.

Sitting down next to me, he passed me a handkerchief before pulling me into his chest. "It's okay, you can cry all you'd like." He whispered as I burst into tears. "Shh, shh, everything will be fine." We stayed there for a while sitting in the grass. Eventually he lifted my head and delicately wiped away my tears. "There, all better now?"

I sniffled and nodded, taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

"That's good. Then...," he paused, rubbing his thigh nervously, "can I ask you something?"

My breath hitched. "What is it?"

"You don't like lying, correct?"

"Yes." I replied, unsure of what was going on.

"Then why did you lie to your mother? I didn't promise to give you hide and seek lessons, I promised to teach you how to fight."

"Well, you s-see," I stuttered, hesitating on how to answer him. Eventually, I decided to go with a partial truth. "They feel that as a lady, it would be inappropriate for me to learn to fight."

"Really? No offense, but that's a bit stupid. Being a lady is definitely a reason you should learn to fight, especially after what happened to you this week-" he paused mid-sentence. "Esther, does that mean that they don't know that somebody beat you up this week?"

My silence told him everything he thought he needed to know.

"Silly Essie, you need to tell them these things! Yes your parents may be the strictest out of all our parents, but that doesn't mean that they don't want the best for you.

But no worries. Since your parents don't approve, we'll just have to train in secret and sneak around like spies! How does that sound?"

I smiled at him, glad that he had been distracted. "That sounds great! Should I meet you back here after dinner?"

"No problem. Now go to your lesson before your mother gets suspicious."

With that, I ran into the palace. Arriving at the study room, I slipped into my seat next to Céleste. Taking one look at my face, she kissed her teeth.

"He made you cry! Just wait until lessons finish!"

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hello everyone, it's your girl elle ~

So did I know exactly what I wanted to write for this chapter? Yes.

Did I find it easy to write this chapter? Yes.

Did I also get lazy and procrastinate on writing this chapter? Yes. *feels Chan judging from the other side of the world*

So did I rush to write the ending because I'll probably be too busy this weekend? YESSSSS

Oh well hope you enjoy guys✨

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