Chapter 7 • ٧

68 3 52

TW: mentions of abuse

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The Maiorem Hall is beautiful. With towering doorways, an illuminating glass ceiling, crystal chandeliers and delicate gold decorations, it captured the eyes of all who stepped inside. Standing in it, it felt as though you could feel the centuries of celebrations and good memories that had occurred there.

The Luminare Hall was anything but. It was still beautiful, but in a deadly way. With no windows, all the silver decorations reflected nothing but darkness. Standing in it, you could feel the centuries of judging against the worst of criminals.

I had never imagined that I would one day be there, especially for the trial of my father.

There weren't many people in the Hall, as was custom. King Junwon and Queen Jihyo sat on their thrones on the other side of the Hall, with Uncle Hongjoong standing beside King Junwon. Uncle Seonghwa stood before them on the stairs of the thrones. Céleste, who shouldn't have been there but insisted when she'd seen me enter the hall, was sitting next to me holding my hand. My mother sat on the other side of me, head in her hands while Uncle Yunho and Yeosang stood behind us. My father, the reason for us all gathering, was tied up on his knees at the foot of the throne.

"Dear all," Uncle Seonghwa spoke up, voice echoing around the Hall, "we are all gathered here today in face of accusations of abuse committed by Andrew Botros towards his wife and daughter, Sofia & Esther Botros. The identity of the accuser will be kept anonymous in order to protect his safety."

"Do you plead guilty to these accusations of abuse Andrew?" King Junwon continued.

Father laughed . "I wouldn't call it abuse. I'd like to think of it more as," he paused and smirked, "discipline."

"Why you-" Uncle Hongjoong started until King Junwon held up a hand to stop him.

"Not yet Hongjoong, keep calm." Directing his words to my father again, he continued. "It would be easier for you if you answered truthfully Andrew. You have seen many things in this room," he nodded as my father's face paled, "and you already know what fate awaits you. Do not draw the process out any longer than you need to."

Father tensed with anger. "I have fought for this country, your majesty! I should not be treated as a criminal! You yourself made me an Earl! I fought through many wars even though they affected my soulmate-"

"Well it is funny that you should bring your soulmate up." King Junwon cut him off, eyes glinting. "Seonghwa, read out the second accusation."

Uncle Seonghwa cleared his throat and continued reading the scroll. "Andrew Botros has also been accused of soulmate deceivery in leading Sofia Botros into believing that he was her soulmate. The accuser is believed to be her true soulmate and will remain anonymous in respect of his wishes."

"Lies!" Father screamed, thrashing about in his restraints. "Nothing but lies!"

King Junwon calmly ignored him and reached out his hand towards my mother. "Ducissa Sofia, stand please." My mother stood up shakily, Uncle Yunho gently grabbing her arm as she swayed unsteadily on her feet.

"I apologise," King Junwon continued, "as I am sure that this must come as a dreadful shock to you. Am I correct in believing that your soulmate bond is a pain bond?"

"Yes." Mother answered, her voice trembling.

"And may I ask exactly what that entails?"

"Well-" she stopped to compose herself and then continued. "Whenever either of us is bruised, the other also receives a bruise at the same location. In times of extreme physical agony, we can feel each other's pain."

"Am I correct in assuming that the abuse you face would be described as extreme physical agony?"

She swallowed and nodded. "Yes, your majesty."

"But he never felt this pain, did he?"

She shook her head. "He had told me that since he was the one hitting me, it wouldn't affect him."

"Thank you for answering everything so far. So if I'm following along correctly, if someone was to hit either of you, the bruise would also show up on the other?"

She nodded once more. "That is correct, your majesty."

"Thank you for all your cooperation Sofia. Now," he rubbed his hands together, "let's test that theory out, shall we? Yeosang, cover the girls' eyes.

All covered? Good. Hongjoong?" Footsteps rang out.

"Yes, your majesty?"

"Strike him."

I could hear Uncle Hongjoong's smirk in his voice. "With pleasure, your majesty." The sound of the blow echoed throughout the hall.

"The girls can watch now, Yeosang." Céleste and I rubbed our eyes. "Now, let us see. Has anything appeared on Ducissa Sofia's face, specifically her left cheek?"

Uncle Yeosang checked her face and shook his head. "Nothing there, your highness."

"Thank you Yeosang. Did you feel any pain?" King Junwon addressed my mother.

"Nothing, your majesty." Mother choked out and started to sob.

"Thank you for your honesty, Ducissa. If this is too much for you and you wish to leave, you can."

"No." For the first time in my life, I heard my mother's voice with a hard edge it never had. "With all due respect, your majesty, I know that he will be punished appropriately, but I need to witness this with my own eyes."

"As you wish, Ducissa." King Junwon nodded his head with respect. "Let us continue with the proceedings then. Andrew Botros, do you plead guilty to accusations of abuse and soulmate deceivery?"

Father cackled. "For a country that prides itself for protecting the vulnerable, it took you a long time to realise what was happening under your very own noses."

"Guilty it is then." King Junwon concluded. A smile flickered on his lips as he continued. "I'm glad this brings you amusement Andrew. I hope that you will be just as amused when you see who is here to collect you." He gestured towards the door. "Open them."

The doors opened and a burly man strode in. I had never seen him before, but his facial features were familiar.

"Baba." Mother whispered. Upon seeing who had entered, Father's face paled and for the first time that day, I saw dread in his eyes.

"Your Majesty," he trembled, "these aren't the proper procedures, you can't-"

"Andrew Botros." The King cut him off, a hard glare in his eyes. "As is customary of criminals thrown out of Meliora, you shall be branded so that all countries will know of your cruelty and reject you. In addition, you will also be handed over to your native people, and they will also do as they see fit."

My new found grandfather placed a heavy hand on my trembling father's shoulder. "Believe me your majesty, he will be severely punished for all the suffering he has caused my daughter and granddaughter."

"I do not doubt that at all." King Junwon smirked. "Esther, is there anything you'd like to add before you and Céleste leave?"

"Nothing, your majesty." I replied.

"Very well. Yunho, could you please take the girls out? I do not want them to be here during the branding."

As Uncle Yunho took Céleste and I by the hand and out of the hall, and I heard the doors close behind us, I felt a weight lifted off of my shoulder.

My father was leaving.

I was finally free.

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hello everyone, it's your girl elle ~
lol does anyone know where I got that intro from?

hope you enjoyed the triple update!! ☺️

also believe it or not, it's actually been a month since I had the idea for this story

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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