Chapter 4 • ٤

48 4 57

TW: abuse (emotional & physical)

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Softly, I knocked on the door, heart in my throat.

"Enter." Father called.

Slowly, I opened the door. "You told me to come to see you once we returned."

He pinned me with an accusing glare. "You did not come here directly."

With the thudding of my heart echoing in my ears, I answered in a shaky voice. "I came here as soon as we arrived. I promise."

He raised an eyebrow. "Very well, I shall believe you this once. Next time, do not think I will be so lenient." He gestured towards the door. "Close it."

Palms clammy, I closed the door and turned back to him.

"Sit." He ordered, eyes focused on the papers on his desk. Looking up, he tutted as he saw me ready to sit on the chair opposite to him. "What are you doing?" He looked at me incredulously. "On the floor, not the chair. Remember your place."

"All settled? Good. Don't make me have to remind you of your status again." He sighed deeply. "Status is important Esther. I have tried to teach you that, but it seems that you just do not understand. Isn't that correct?"

"I do understand Father." I whispered softly, looking at the floor.

"Is that so?" He retorted, leaning over the desk to look at me. "Then what was that little act of defiance earlier?"

Cautiously, I looked up at him with confusion. "I'm not sure I follow."

"You don't follow? Let me refresh your memory then." He got out of his chair and came to stand in front of me. "That vile woman who forgets her place. Does that ring a bell?" He sighed as my face portrayed nothing but confusion. "How could I have a child as stupid as you are? I'm talking about that woman who calls herself queen."

"Queen Jihyo?" I asked tentatively.

"Ah, so it seems you can think. Yes, who else? The only other woman there was your mother and she knows her place. It would do you some good to imitate her."

"But Queen Jihyo did nothing wrong-" I was cut off by a quick blow to my face.

"You dare question me?" His voice thundered. "Who do you think you are?" He bent down and gripped my face tightly in his hand. "You will listen to me Esther, and you will learn. If I have to beat it into you the way I beat it into your mother, I will gladly do so. Do you understand me?"

Tears running down my cheeks, I nodded.

"Good. Now, let's go to this again, shall we?" Letting go of my face, he went back to sit comfortably in his chair. "You, Esther, are a female. That makes you inferior. Do you understand me?" Without waiting for my reply, he continued. "All women were put on this world for is to bring their husbands pleasure and bear their children." He stopped and looked me straight in the eyes. "That is all you will ever be good at, Esther. It's what you were born to do. Women like that queen however," his face contorted in anger as he spat out the word queen, "forget their place. They think that since they are born into a family of status and married into a family of status that this does not apply to them. They are very foolish indeed."

"Yes Father. I understand."

"Yet you wish to be like her." He retorted. "Do not think I do not see how you look at her. When she spars Hongjoong and wins, who is the first to congratulate her? When she argues with somebody and makes sassy comments, who is sure to giggle? It is always you Esther. I see it every time. I even saw it today," he slammed his fist onto the desk in anger, "when she threatened to maim me. You laughed. That woman threatened my life, and you, my daughter, did nothing but laugh."

"I apologise Father."

He sighed. "I have plans to marry you to a good family back home, and they do not tolerate that type of behaviour. Women who forget their status and the women who support them are punished accordingly."

"Sorry Father." I stuttered. "Did you say marry?"

"Yes and what about it? As your father, it is up to me to ensure that you marry within your status. Seeing how often you forget it, I wouldn't be shocked if your soulmate was a simple peasant. I refuse to let that happen. When you are 23, we will take you back home to be married. Do you understand?"

"Yes Father." I replied with tears running down my face, anguish in my heart as I realised that I would never be free from him.

"Good." He leaned back in his chair and gestured towards the door. "Now leave." Hastily, I got up to leave until he called me back. "What have I taught you to do when I teach you a lesson?"

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand as chills ran through my body. Quickly, I dropped into a curtsy. "I am sorry for any offence and shame that I have caused you, Comitis. I will make sure to conduct myself as my station demands in the future."

"Good." He grabbed my face between his hands again and turned it to the light. "Such a shame, the mark is already coming through." He let go of my face and ordered, "You are to stay in your room for the rest of the night. You will not be joining us all for dinner. Now get out of my sight."

Nodding, I rushed towards the door. Just as I grabbed the knob to leave, he called me again.

"Straight to your room Esther and make sure nobody sees you. We wouldn't want anyone finding out what happened here now would we?"

I nodded a final time murmuring a quiet agreement and fled the closing walls of the office for the safety of my room.

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hello everyone, it's your girl elle ~

writing this chapter was emotionally draining-
i actually have a light headache now

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