the day she leaves

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The clearing papers will give me access to the harbour, from where I will take the boat and travel to Elsora.

I chose Elsora as my destination because it is closest to Zariya. So, the plan is to take the boat to Elsora and then maybe escape from there, as it is a small island so I am hoping that the security will be insubstantial.

I know the plan is not concrete enough or detailed, but to find a map of anything outside Serafina or to know a person who has visited Zariya in recent years is next to impossible. I will go as far as I can go, and then rest is the will of The Sun, it's not like I have anything to lose.

At the crack of dawn, I trod to the harbour, with one heavy bag on my back, one in my hand, I took my life with me to travel away. Only thing in my mind is to get on a boat and get going. There is a crowd of about 50 people, and all are being checked by the soldiers one after the other. I stand in the line, only one who seems to be travelling alone. I reach the soldier, and we greet-

'Sunshine for life, Ma'am'

'Sunshine for life for you too, Sir'

then he proceeds to check my documents, and helps me to the boat, and there it is, my one way sail to liberation,

As I settle on my not so comfortable seat on the deck, I turn around to scan the view,

Dear Serafina,

I have no discontentment in regards to you, you been good, in-truth more than good,

You have been home to me and my family and even though they all short lived, I don't hold that against you,

They all loved this land and so will I,

I might travel the world but my roots and my morals are all you,

You are fearless, unapologetically beautiful

I only desire to be you,

You are all the colours of warmth,

You are my powder gold dust who would fall innocently over my windowsill every morning to wake me up,

You are my driving force,

Be with me on this journey, stay.

As the boatman started to row the boat, we all swayed slowly from left to right mimicking the waves. We sat and waited as the sun took it's time to rise, it reflected dandelion colours on the surface of the water. It looked as if we were being rowed in liquid honey. The birds teased the water as they lowered themselves and let their claws graze the coldness of water and then flew higher and higher into the rays of the light.

Some people mingled and some like me slept with bags tightly secured under their arms.

It was one dreamless sleep in a longtime. I guess dreams have lost their meaning and purpose after all.

'Lady, kind lady, get up, we are about to reach Elsora'

I gaped in a second, and stared at the string of lights that seemed to be lamps on the shore of Elsora. The security is slightly higher than I imagine, actually who am I kidding, damn, I think I have underestimated their defences.

Think, think, think!

What can be done, I don't know a soul in Elsora.

Ok, maybe this trip is going to end tonight,

At least the weather was nice.

I can't make much of the Elsora, just the silhouette of some trees on the left side of the shore.

I have studied and heard from people in my town about this island, they say it's mostly surrounded by dense forests, and the civilization lives at the core of the island.

The boat has slowed down, and the boatman blows into the conch to wake up the people sleeping on the boat, and to alert the army of our arrival into the new country.

Slowly and cautiously people got off the boat, I stayed till the end, until the boatman signalled for me to get off.

The army was stern, it was not casual in going through the documents, asking people to not hurdle, and taking each family into a tent for personal inspection.

There were people from Elsora who had to come to receive their loved ones on the shore and then there was me.

My stomach was bubbling in fear, I had cold sweat on my forehead, one glance at me in the light, and anyone would note that I'm upto no good. I look around for anything, begging for an idea to escape. My head would otherwise brew absurd things, giving me ideas to change the world, and when I am onto that, it has ceased to work as if it never existed in the first place. I look at trees again, dark trees, void of any light in them. And then I turn to look at the officer behind me,

How do I escape him?

The line is still long, so the army at the forefront are busy, but I have to distract just this one, get him off my tail.

'Hey! um...Officer, can you assist in the direction to the refreshing room?

'Yes, lady, there is a tent to the left, near the trees, you can go there' he looked embarrassed, and now makes me feel embarrassed to have to ask him.

What is with men, they act like they don't have the same excretion system in them.

I knew he couldn't leave the line unattended so he left me by myself, I guess their army isn't that bright after all.

I trodden towards the tent with my bags, on reaching the refreshing room, I looked behind to see if anyone was following me. I guess a woman alone is not a threat, well, this sexism worked for me. 

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