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"Where dafuck did dat bitch go?" Why am i talking like this?

I went downstairs and saw jisyoo looking at a damn poster

"The fuck?" I heard jisoo mumble

"What the fuck are you doing." I said in a stern voice while rubbing my eye.

"why do you have a poster of me."

"Why not."


Suddenly someone rang the doorbell

I opened the door and it appeared jungkook with tzuyu

"hi jungkook, hmm"



Tzuyu was looking around and it seems like her eyes widened when she saw jisoo.

"J-jisoo unnie" she whispered

"Tzuyu? Why so shocked?" Jungkook asked


Jisoo didn't notice them and sat down on the couch.

"you know her?"

"She's  my roomate.." Tzuyu said

"Can we come in" jungkook asked

I nodded

They made themselves at home but suddenly jisoo walked downstairs and saw tzuyu and jungkook..


"Jisoo, can i talk to you?" I asked


we both ran upstairs, i heard jungkook and tzuyu saying

"They look cute together"

"Yep. Does jisoo know that you're my cousin or something?"


they're cousins?

When we opened the door to her room, she immediately said

"What do you want?"

"aren"t you going to thank me?"

"For what?"

"I saved you yesterday"


"That didn't sound genuine"

"Well, after seeing MY poster, i don't think you need a genuine and sincere thank you"


"You used my picture without permission."

"Just say thank you and i'll tell you why i have that"

"Thank you"


"Thank you taehyung! I love you so much hehe" she pinched my cheeks, i knew that she was faking it but i blushed

I saw her eye twitch and that kinda offended me

"now what's the reason"

I sat down on the couch and said

"It's because i liked you before"

"It's because i liked you before"

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Yuh. Sorry for my grammar, i'm actually fluent in english i just happen to mess up with my grammar sometimes.


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